

eppz! Build Status

Unity everydayers master project.

Install as submodule

Add this repository as a submodule to your Unity project repository into Assets/Plugins/eppz!. Hook up directly this repository (explicitly tracking master branch), then update / initialize submodules (recursive).

git submodule add -b master -f https://github.com/eppz/Unity.Library.eppz Assets/Plugins/eppz!
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote Assets/Plugins/eppz!

💡 You can opt-out submodules best by fork this repository, then simply remove unnecessary submodules (so you'll still have versioning and uplink maintained to the rest).

Install as direct download

Alternatively, you can directly download the Unity.Library.eppz-master.zip, then extract it to Assets/Plugins/eppz! in your Unity project folder.

💡 Having it stored in Assets/Plugins folder means that the library code won't get recompiled every time Unity compiles your project code.



Licensed under the MIT license.