

eppz.Rate Build Status

part of Unity.Library.eppz

⭐ App Store rate mechanisms native iOS plugin for Unity.

Simple usage

// iOS 10.3+ `SKStoreReviewController` API.

// Opens App Store (can be hooked to buttons).

The plugin works with iOS 7.0. 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0.

Detect TestFlight runtime environment

This plugin also hold a simple test to determine if the build is running in a TestFlight runtime. It actually lookup the string sandboxReceipt in [NSBundle appStoreReceiptURL]. This means that it returns true in every sandbox environment including develoment / simulator builds as well. Most probably you'll use this for tagging your analytics.

bool isTestFlightBuild = Rate.IsSandboxEnvironment();

While this plugin is still called Rate, later on it is gonna be renamed to something that better reflects its content. It seems this will be a collection of native one-liners, or similar.


Licensed under the MIT license.