

Awesome-Quantization-Papers Awesome

This repo contains a comprehensive paper list of Model Quantization for efficient deep learning on AI conferences/journals/arXiv. As a highlight, we categorize the papers in terms of model structures and application scenarios, and label the quantization methods with keywords. <br>

This repo is being actively updated, and contributions in any form to make this list more comprehensive are welcome. Special thanks to collaborator Zhikai Li, and all researchers who have contributed to this repo! <br>

If you find this repo useful, please consider ★STARing and feel free to share it with others! <br>

[Update: Jul, 2024] Add new papers from CVPR-24. <br> [Update: May, 2024] Add new papers from ICLR-24. <br> [Update: Apr, 2024] Add new papers from AAAI-24. <br> [Update: Nov, 2023] Add new papers from NeurIPS-23. <br> [Update: Oct, 2023] Add new papers from ICCV-23. <br> [Update: Jul, 2023] Add new papers from AAAI-23 and ICML-23. <br> [Update: Jun, 2023] Add new arXiv papers uploaded in May 2023, especially the hot LLM quantization field. <br> [Update: Jun, 2023] Reborn this repo! New style, better experience! <br>


Keywords: PTQ: post-training quantization | Non-uniform: non-uniform quantization | MP: mixed-precision quantization | Extreme: binary or ternary quantization


Transformer-based Models

Vision Transformers

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Language Transformers

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Convolutional Neural Networks

Visual Generation

Image Classification

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Other Tasks

Object Detection

Super Resolution

Point Cloud

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