

Optimal Brain Compression

This repository contains efficient implementations of ExactOBS for quantization, unstructured-, block- and N:M pruning, introduced in the NeurIPS 2022 paper "Optimal Brain Compression: A Framework for Accurate Post-Training Quantization and Pruning".


NOTE: The code as provided here only fully supports torchvision ResNet variants (the full integration of YOLO and BERT models is omitted due to large amounts of complex dependencies).


First, make sure ImageNet is located/linked to ../imagenet (alternatively, you can specifiy the --datapath argument for all commands).

Applying OBC

# Quantize weights and activations
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet quant --wbits 4 --abits 4 --save rn18_4w4a.pth

# Prune to the N:M pattern
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet nmprune --prunen 2 --prunem 4 --save rn18_24.pth

# Generate an unstructured pruning database
mkdir models_unstr
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet unstr --sparse-dir models_unstr

# Generate a 4-block pruning database
mkdir models_4block
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet blocked --sparse-dir models_blocked

# Quantize a 2:4 pruned model
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet quant --wbits 4 --abits 4 --load rn18_24.pth --save rn18_24_4w4a.pth 

Statistics Corrections

# Batchnorm tuning
python postproc.py rn18 imagenet rn18_24.pth --bnt

# Statistics correction
python postproc.py rn18 imagenet rn18_24.pth --statcorr --statcorr-samples 1024

Non-Uniform Compression

mkdir scores

# Unstructured pruning

# Setup database
mkdir models_unstr
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet unstr --sparse-dir models_unstr
# Compute corresponding losses
python database.py rn18 imagenet unstr loss
# Run DP algorithm to determine per-layer compression targets 
python spdy.py rn18 imagenet 2 unstr --dp 
# Stitch profile, apply batchnorm resetting and compute validation accuracy 
python postproc.py rn18 imagenet rn18_unstr_200x_dp.txt --database unstr --bnt

# Mixed quantization + 2:4 pruning

mkdir models_nm
mkdir models_quant
mkdir models_nm_quant
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet nmprune --save models_nm/rn18_24.pth
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet quant --wbits 8 --abits 8 --save models_quant/rn18_8w8a.pth
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet quant --wbits 4 --abits 4 --save models_quant/rn18_4w4a.pth
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet quant --wbits 8 --abits 8 --load models_nm/rn18_24.pth --save models_nm_quant/rn18_24_8w8a.pth 
python main_trueobs.py rn18 imagenet quant --wbits 4 --abits 4 --load models_nm/rn18_24.pth --save models_nm_quant/rn18_24_4w4a.pth 
python database.py rn18 imagenet mixed loss
python spdy.py rn18 imagenet 8 mixed --dp
python postproc.py rn18 imagenet rn18_mixed_800x_dp.txt --database mixed --bnt


Before using our BERT integration, please download our pretrained checkpoints and move them to the bertsquad folder. Then you should be able to use most features described above by passing bertsquad (or bertsquad6 for smaller variants) as the model name and squad as the dataset name. The code was tested with transformers==4.21.2 and datasets==1.17.0.


  title={{Optimal Brain Compression:} A Framework for Accurate Post-Training Quantization and Pruning},
  author={Frantar, Elias and Singh, Sidak Pal and Alistarh, Dan},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},