<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->hexSticker: create hexagon sticker in R
:writing_hand: Author
Guangchuang YU
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University
:arrow_double_down: Installation
Install the hexSticker package via CRAN:
You can also install the package via the Github repository.
# install.package("remotes") #In case you have not installed it.
Fail to install
is required for installing hexSticker
. If you have not
installed it, please try the following
Fail to load ‘sysfonts’
In Mac OS, you may need to re-install sysfont
to properly load it.
Be sure to install xquartz
brew update && brew install homebrew/cask/xquartz
function will produce a file with dimension exactly for printing according to
base plot
s <- sticker(~plot(cars, cex=.5, cex.axis=.5, mgp=c(0,.3,0), xlab="", ylab=""),
package="hexSticker", p_size=20, s_x=.8, s_y=.6, s_width=1.4, s_height=1.2,
The sticker()
will generate a figure specified by the filename
parameter. The output of the sticker()
function is a ggplot
e.g. the s
variable in the above example. Print the object,
, will display the image. However, the image may slightly
different from the created image file since the graphic device size are
different. To solve this issue, hexSticker
package provides plot
function to preview sticker. Try plot(s)
counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
treatment <- gl(3,3)
bwplot <- bwplot(counts ~ outcome | treatment, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, cex=.5,
scales=list(cex=.5), par.strip.text=list(cex=.5))
sticker(bwplot, package="hexSticker", p_size=20, s_x=1.05, s_y=.8, s_width=2, s_height=1.5,
h_fill="#f9690e", h_color="#f39c12", filename="inst/figures/lattice.png")
<img src="inst/figures/lattice.png" height="300"/>
p <- ggplot(aes(x = mpg, y = wt), data = mtcars) + geom_point()
p <- p + theme_void() + theme_transparent()
sticker(p, package="hexSticker", p_size=20, s_x=1, s_y=.75, s_width=1.3, s_height=1,
<img src="inst/figures/ggplot2.png" height="300"/>
image file
imgurl <- system.file("figures/cat.png", package="hexSticker")
sticker(imgurl, package="hexSticker", p_size=20, s_x=1, s_y=.75, s_width=.6,
<img src="inst/figures/imgfile.png" height="300"/>
Google fonts
## Loading Google fonts (
font_add_google("Gochi Hand", "gochi")
## Automatically use showtext to render text for future devices
## use the ggplot2 example
sticker(p, package="hexSticker", p_size=22, s_x=1, s_y=.75, s_width=1.3, s_height=1,
p_family = "gochi", filename="inst/figures/ggplot2-google-font.png")
<img src="inst/figures/ggplot2-google-font.png" height="300"/>
:sparkling_heart: Stickers produced by hexSticker
If you use
and want your sticker to be listed here, please feel free to edit README.Rmd, and runrmarkdown::render("README.Rmd", rmarkdown::md_document(variant = "gfm"))
Please put stickers in alphabet order.
Stickers for software packages
<!-- [<img src="" height="120"/>]() --><img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src=" " height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120" /> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120" /> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120" /> <img src="" height="120" /> <img src="" height="120" /> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/>
Stickers for events/workshops
<img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/>
Stickers for fun
<img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/>
Stickers for organizations
<img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/> <img src="" height="120"/>
Print/order stickers
Sticker designers can make their stickers available via Sticker Mule.
Related Tools
- badger: Query information and generate badge for using in README and GitHub Pages.
- ggimage: Supports image files and graphic objects to be visualized in ‘ggplot2’ graphic system.
- meme: Create Meme.
- shadowtext: Create text grob with background shadow.