gateR: Flow/Mass Cytometry Gating via Spatial Kernel Density Estimation <img src="man/figures/gateR.png" width="120" align="right" />
<!-- badges: start --> <!-- badges: end -->Date repository last updated: January 23, 2024
<h2 id="overview">Overview
</h2>The gateR
package is a suite of R
functions to identify significant spatial clustering of flow and mass cytometry data used in immunological investigations. For a two-group comparison, we detect clusters using the kernel-based spatial relative risk function estimated using the sparr package. The tests are conducted in a two-dimensional space comprised of two fluorescent markers.
Examples of a single condition with two groups:
- Disease case vs. Healthy control
- Time 2 vs. Time 1 (baseline)
For a two-group comparison of two conditions, we estimate two relative risk surfaces for one condition and then a ratio of the relative risks. For example:
- Estimate a relative risk surface for:
- Condition 2B vs. Condition 2A
- Condition 1B vs. Condition 1A
- Estimate the relative risk surface for the ratio:
$$\frac{ \big(\frac{Condition2B}{Condition2A}\big)}{\big(\frac{Condition1B}{Condition1A}\big)}$$
Within areas where the relative risk exceeds an asymptotic normal assumption, the gateR
package has the functionality to examine the features of these cells. Basic visualization is also supported.
</h2>To install the release version from CRAN:
To install the development version from GitHub:
<h2 id="available-functions">
Available functions
</h2> <table> <colgroup> <col width="30%"/> <col width="70%"/> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th>Function</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <td><code>gating</code></td> <td>Main function. Conduct a gating strategy for flow and mass cytometry data.</td> </tr> <td><code>rrs</code></td> <td>Called within <code>gating</code>, one condition comparison.</td> </tr> <td><code>lotrrs</code></td> <td>Called within <code>gating</code>, two condition comparison. </td> </tr> <td><code>pval_correct</code></td> <td>Called within <code>rrs</code> and <code>lotrrs</code>, calculates various multiple testing corrections for the alpha level. Five methods account for (spatially) dependent, multiple testing.</td> </tr> <td><code>lrr_plot</code></td> <td>Called within <code>rrs</code> and <code>lotrrs</code>, provides functionality for basic visualization of a log relative risk surface.</td> </tr> <td><code>pval_plot</code></td> <td>Called within <code>rrs</code> and <code>lotrrs</code>, provides functionality for basic visualization of a significant p-value surface.</td> </tr> </tbody> <table>The repository also includes the code and resources to create the project hexagon sticker.
<h2 id="available-data">Available sample data sets
</h2> <table> <colgroup> <col width="30%"/> <col width="70%"/> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th>Data</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <td><code>randCyto</code></td> <td>A sample dataset containing information about flow cytometry data with two binary conditions and four markers. The data are a random subset of the 'extdata' data in the <a href="">flowWorkspaceData</a> package found on <a href="">Bioconductor</a> and formatted for `gateR` input.</td> </tr> </tbody> <table> <h2 id="authors">Authors
</h2>- Ian D. Buller - Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., a division of DLH Corporation, Silver Spring, Maryland (current) - Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, Maryland (former) - Environmental Health Sciences, James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. (original) - GitHub - ORCID
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. Main contributors include:
- Elena Hsieh - Immunology & Microbiology and Pediatrics, University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine - GitHub - ORCID
- Debashis Ghosh - Biostatistics & Informatics, Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, Colorado - GitHub - ORCID
- Lance A. Waller - Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia - GitHub - ORCID
set.seed(1234) # for reproducibility
# ------------------ #
# Necessary packages #
# ------------------ #
# ---------------- #
# Data preparation #
# ---------------- #
# Use 'extdata' from the {flowWorkspaceData} package
flowDataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "flowWorkspaceData")
fcsFiles <- list.files(pattern = "CytoTrol", flowDataPath, full = TRUE)
ncfs <- ncdfFlow::read.ncdfFlowSet(fcsFiles)
fr1 <- ncfs[[1]]
fr2 <- ncfs[[2]]
## Comparison of two samples (single condition) "g1"
## Two gates (four markers) "CD4", "CD38", "CD8", and "CD3"
## Arcsinh Transformation for all markers
## Remove cells with NA and Inf values
# First sample
obs_dat1 <- data.frame("id" = seq(1, nrow(fr1@exprs), 1),
"g1" = rep(1, nrow(fr1@exprs)),
"arcsinh_CD4" = asinh(fr1@exprs[ , 5]),
"arcsinh_CD38" = asinh(fr1@exprs[ , 6]),
"arcsinh_CD8" = asinh(fr1@exprs[ , 7]),
"arcsinh_CD3" = asinh(fr1@exprs[ , 8]))
# Second sample
obs_dat2 <- data.frame("id" = seq(1, nrow(fr2@exprs), 1),
"g1" = rep(2, nrow(fr2@exprs)),
"arcsinh_CD4" = asinh(fr2@exprs[ , 5]),
"arcsinh_CD38" = asinh(fr2@exprs[ , 6]),
"arcsinh_CD8" = asinh(fr2@exprs[ , 7]),
"arcsinh_CD3" = asinh(fr2@exprs[ , 8]))
# Full set
obs_dat <- rbind(obs_dat1, obs_dat2)
obs_dat <- obs_dat[complete.cases(obs_dat), ] # remove NAs
obs_dat <- obs_dat[is.finite(rowSums(obs_dat)), ] # remove Infs
obs_dat$g1 <- as.factor(obs_dat$g1) # set "g1" as binary factor
## Create a second condition (randomly split the data)
## In practice, use data with a measured second condition
g2 <- stats::rbinom(nrow(obs_dat), 1, 0.5)
obs_dat$g2 <- as.factor(g2)
obs_dat <- obs_dat[ , c(1:2,7,3:6)]
# Export 'randCyto' data for CRAN examples
randCyto <- dplyr::sample_frac(obs_dat, size = 0.1) # random subsample
# ---------------------------- #
# Run gateR with one condition #
# ---------------------------- #
# Single condition
## A p-value uncorrected for multiple testing
test_gating <- gateR::gating(dat = obs_dat,
vars = c("arcsinh_CD4", "arcsinh_CD38",
"arcsinh_CD8", "arcsinh_CD3"),
n_condition = 1,
plot_gate = TRUE,
upper_lrr = 1,
lower_lrr = -1)
# -------------------- #
# Post-gate assessment #
# -------------------- #
# Density of arcsinh-transformed CD4 post-gating
graphics::plot(stats::density(test_gating$obs[test_gating$obs$g1 == 1, 4]),
main = "arcsinh CD4",
lty = 2)
graphics::lines(stats::density(test_gating$obs[test_gating$obs$g1 == 2, 4]),
lty = 3)
legend = c("Sample 1", "Sample 2"),
lty = c(2, 3),
bty = "n")
# ----------------------------- #
# Run gateR with two conditions #
# ----------------------------- #
## A p-value uncorrected for multiple testing
test_gating2 <- gateR::gating(dat = obs_dat,
vars = c("arcsinh_CD4", "arcsinh_CD38",
"arcsinh_CD8", "arcsinh_CD3"),
n_condition = 2)
# --------------------------------------------- #
# Perform a single gate without data extraction #
# --------------------------------------------- #
# Single condition
## A p-value uncorrected for multiple testing
## For "arcsinh_CD4" and "arcsinh_CD38"
test_rrs <- gateR::rrs(dat = obs_dat[ , -7:-6])
# Two conditions
## A p-value uncorrected for multiple testing
## For "arcsinh_CD8" and "arcsinh_CD3"
test_lotrrs <- gateR::lotrrs(dat = obs_dat[ , -5:-4])
# ------------------------------------------ #
# Run gateR with multiple testing correction #
# ------------------------------------------ #
## False Discovery Rate
test_gating_fdr <- gateR::gating(dat = obs_dat,
vars = c("arcsinh_CD4", "arcsinh_CD38",
"arcsinh_CD8", "arcsinh_CD3"),
n_condition = 1,
p_correct = "FDR")
This package was developed while the author was originally a doctoral student at in the Environmental Health Sciences doctoral program at Emory University and later as a postdoctoral fellow supported by the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program at the National Cancer Institute. Any modifications since December 05, 2022 were made while the author was an employee of Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., a division of DLH Corporation.
When citing this package for publication, please follow:
Questions? Feedback?
For questions about the package, please contact the maintainer Dr. Ian D. Buller or submit a new issue.