

X-Updare Store XOOPSCube powered-by-electricity XCL

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. License GPL X-Updare Store

///// — X-elFinder :: Web-based File manager, editors and cloud storage

alt text

MODULEX-elFinder (elFinder)
DescriptionelFinder web-based file manager, web editors and cloud storage for XCL.
Render EngineSmarty v2 and XCube Layout
AuthorNobuhiro Yasutomi @nbuy XCL PHP8
AuthorNuno Luciano @gigamaster XCL PHP7
Author@nao-pon Naoki Sawada
Copyright2005-2024 Authors
LicenseXCL module is distributed under a GPL 2 License.
LicenseelFinder is distributed under a BSD 3-Clause License.
:computer: The Minimum Requirements
      Apache, Nginx, etc. PHP 8.x.x
      MySQL 5.7, MariaDB  InnoDB utf8 / utf8mb4
      XCL version 2.4.0

///// — Module X-elFinder

This module is released with the XCL bundle package 2.4.0.

GUI-based control panel for easy management of editors (code, graphics) and cloud storage (gdrive, box, dropbox, etc.)

For topics, questions, and requests about elFinder, please refer to elFinder.


Notes on installation

The following directories require write (file creation) permission (e.g. 777 or 707).

PathInfo is used for image referencing, but depending on the server environment,
PathInfo may not be available and the image may not be displayed correctly.

In this case, set "Disable PathInfo for file reference URLs" to "Yes"
in the general settings of the administration page.

Change the popup to IFRAME

The default popup openWithSelfMain() can open a new window or a popup using IFRAME
Check the module template to adapt the design to your theme.html.


Otherwise, if you have installed the module/library HypCommon from the HypConf (HypCommon settings) module, select "Other settings" - "Tags to insert at the end of <head>".

<script type="text/javascript" src="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/xelfinder/include/js/openWithSelfMain_iframe.js"></script>

or edit theme.html as follows

Example (theme.html):

<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/xelfinder/include/js/openWithSelfMain_iframe.js"></script>

About libraries

HypCommonFunc is required in order to extend and enable this feature.

X-elFinder Specific Features

In addition to the functions of elFinder, X-elFinder has the following features


Except for XOOPSCube Platforms, this can be done for XOOPS legacy by inserting in mainfile.php
immediately after the line that reads XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/imagemanager.php :

include 'modules/xelfinder/manager.php';

Notes on Uninstallation

The uploaded files will remain when when uninstalling the module X-elFinder,
but all information is removed, such as folders, permissions, owners, etc.

If you want to save that information, please save your data with a backup of your database.

X-elFinder table name will start with "[XCL DB prefix][X-elFinder module directory name]".

If you want to uninstall and remove the files, you can find them in "TRUST_PATH/uploads/xelfinder" directory.

Please refer to elFinder project documentation for details.