

Heroku Flask API

Deploy an API built with Flask on Heroku.


Data consists of images from the Steam store (~30k games) downloaded on January 9, 2021.


To run locally:

python run.py

To deploy:

heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku main

Web App

The web app can be accessed at this URL:


To ask for results about Cyberpunk 2077, you have to append the appID (1091500) to the /render/ endpoint:


Or you can try your luck with a random game. Caveat: some Steam games can be offensive!


Number of matches

To tweak the number of matches, for instance to 5 instead of the default (11): render/1091500/5

Direct links to the Steam store

To have direct links to the Steam store: store/1091500/

Mirror and flip

CLIP seems be attentive to texts present on images. To try to mitigate this effect, the query image can be:

To mirror the query image: render_x/ or render/?mirror=1

To flip the query image: render_y/ or render/?flip=1

To mirror and flip the query image: render_xy/ or render/?mirror=1&flip=1


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