

Heroku CLIP


Deploy OpenAI's CLIP on Heroku.


heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku main

If you have already deployed an app, then do not create it again after you have cloned the repo. Follow this instruction to add your remote instead. Typically, for myself:

heroku git:remote -a dry-taiga-80279


Try the app on Heroku:

If you want to try another image, make sure to first click on the red "X" to close the previous one:

How to close the previous image


First, to avoid using too much memory on Heroku:

Otherwise, you will notice in logs that the app uses too much memory, or worse, crashes because of it:

Process running mem=834M(162.9%) Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded)

Second, the app is slow because it does not have access to a GPU on Heroku.

If a REST API is not required, I would recommend to use Colab instead:


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