

<!-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -->

Remove ToUnicode CMap from PDF

[ Japanese (日本語) / English ]


This tool removes specified font's ToUnicode CMap from PDF. Also it changes the font's ROS.

If you use LuaTeX with an Adobe-Japan1 font like HaranoAji Fonts , it embeds the font as Adobe-Identity-0 and generates ToUnicode CMap for the output PDF. ToUnicode CMap is a CID-to-Unicode mapping table, used to extract Unicode text from PDF. In the case of Adobe-Identity-0 font, ToUnicode CMap embedding is necessary to extract text from PDF. However, in the case of Adobe-Japan1 font, embedding is not necessary.

By the default, this tool removes HaranoAji font's ToUnicode CMap and changes the font's ROS from Adobe-Identity-0 to original Adobe-Japan1-7.


$ pdf-rm-tuc
Remove ToUnicode CMap from PDF 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Masamichi Hosoda. All rights reserved.
License: BSD-2-Clause


Usage: pdf-rm-tuc [options] [INPUT.pdf OUTPUT.pdf] ...

  -h, --help
    Print help and exit
  -V, --version
    Print version and exit

Font settings:
  --pattern=PATTERN   (default is HaranoAji fonts pattern)
    Font name regex pattern for removing ToUnicode CMap
  --registry=STRING   (default=Adobe)
    Registry for changing ROS
  --ordering=STRING   (default=Japan1)
    Ordering for changing ROS
  --supplement=INTEGER   (default=7)
    Supplement for changing ROS

Output PDF settings (QPDF):
    Output linearized (web-optimized) PDF
  --object-streams=[preserve|disable|generate]   (default=preserve)
    Settings for object streams
    Output newline before endstream
    Output QDF


Install from source tarball


When you would like to use packages for preparing the required library, the following might be convenient.

Build & install

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

If you have pdffonts, pdftotext, and diff etc., you can run tests before installation as follows. (pdffonts and pdftotext are contained in Poppler.)

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install

Install from Git repository

Source tarball build requirements and additional requirements are necessary.

Additional required

Additional recommended

Build & install

$ git clone https://github.com/trueroad/pdf-rm-tuc.git
$ cd pdf-rm-tuc
$ ./autogen.sh
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install


Copyright (C) 2019 Masamichi Hosoda. All rights reserved.

License: BSD-2-Clause