

Stargazer Subscriber Backend

Publish Docker

Stargazer Subscriber Backend is the python backend of Stargazer Subscriber.

It communicates with MongoDB and PyStargazer, expose a set of endpoints to the management webui, and query user info for stargazer bots.

Generally speaking, all affairs related to users are handled by this backend.

Related Projects

PyStargazer - PyStargazer is a flexible vtuber tracker. It's now capable of monitoring Youtube live status, new tweets, and bilibili dynamic.

Stargazer Subscriber - Stargazer Subscriber is the universal frontend of stargazer bots.

Stargazer Telegram (@pystargazer_bot) - the telegram frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.

Stargazer QQ (2733773638) - The QQ frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.


  1. Make sure that PyStargazer is running and its restful apis are accessible.
  2. Start MongoDB.
  3. Generate an M2M_TOKEN and a SECRET_TOKEN, and keep them safe.
  4. Set the environment variables (M2M_TOKEN, SECRET_TOKEN, UPSTREAM_URL, MONGODB, HOST, PORT, ALLOW_CORS) accordingly and start the container.

Upstream URL: The base URL of restful apis.

MongoDB URL: mongodb://<db_url>:<db_port>/<database>/<collection>

Note: '/' is not allowed in database & collection name


This project is licensed under MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.