

Stargazer Subscriber

Stargazer Subscriber is the universal webui for stargazer bots.

It provides a unified setting page for all stargazer bots, allowing users of different instant messaging apps to subscribe to vtubers easily.


You will be block out if you click the link above directly, because you are not providing a valid token.

You may use one of the bots listed below to get one.

Related Projects

PyStargazer - PyStargazer is a flexible vtuber tracker. It's now capable of monitoring Youtube live status, new tweets, and bilibili dynamic.

Stargazer Subscriber Backend - The python backend of stargazer subscriber.

Stargazer Telegram (@pystargazer_bot) - The telegram frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.

Stargazer QQ (2733773638) - The QQ frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.


First edit config.js, then execute yarn build to build the page, or yarn start to bring up the development server.

You need a working backend server to use this frontend.


This project is licensed under MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.