

Stargazer QQ

Publish Docker

Bot framework used by this project is taken down by Tencent, and so are all alternative QQ bot frameworks. This adapter will no longer be maintained.

You may still use stargazer on another IM platform such as Stargazer Telegram.

Stargazer QQ is the qq frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.

It's one of all the stargazer bots, which allow users of different instant messaging apps to keep track of vtubers they like and support.

QQ UserID: 2733773638 banned

Related Projects

PyStargazer - PyStargazer is a flexible vtuber tracker. It's now capable of monitoring Youtube live status, new tweets, and bilibili dynamic.

Stargazer Subscriber - Stargazer Subscriber is the universal frontend of stargazer bots.

Stargazer Subscriber Backend - The python backend of stargazer subscriber.

Stargazer Telegram (@pystargazer_bot) - The telegram frontend for PyStargazer and Stargazer Subscriber Backend.


This project is licensed under MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.