

pH7 Social Dating Builder

⚑️ The 2023 <span style="text-decoration:underline">Social Dating Killer WebApp Builder</span>

πŸš€ Secure, User-Friendly & Open Source Social Dating Web App Software

PayPal Build Status GPL v3 Licence SourceForge Patreon

pH7's Social Dating Solutionβ„’ is a Professional, Open Source All-Inclusive Turnkey Dating Software. Fully responsive design, low-resource-intensive, powerful and very secure.

pH7Builder (formerly known as pH7CMS) is the first Professional, Free and Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software. By far, the first choice for creating enterprise-level Dating Apps/Service or social networking sites.

✨ Imagine in 3 months' time, you have a well-known successful online community with thousands of happy users and without spending a dime for it! Instead, you spent money on advertising, user acquisition, and other marketing strategies... Imagine the time you have saved. The amazing business and freedom you have now created.

With pH7Builder, THIS IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE! (however, you have to be motivated! Nothing comes as magic).

Professional PHP Social Dating Builder Software

πŸ€— 100% Owned by YOU! ❀

Don't let your webapp be controlled by others! πŸš€

Why your business has to be under the mercy of others?

Unlike cloud or SaaS solutions, by choosing pH7Builder, you have the complete control of your website, database and your users! You get and own all data and files, hosted to your own server (the one you choose) ✌️

πŸ‘‰ Convinced by the software? β˜•οΈ You could help by offering me a coffee? - and boost the software development at the same time! πŸš€πŸ€—

Ko Fi - Offer Me A Flat White Buy Me A Coffee

πŸ“– Contents

πŸ‘€ Software Overview πŸŽ‰

pH7 Dating CMS is a scalable social community CMS based on a powerful modular OOP and server-side rendering architecture, using the MVC architecture (Model-View-Controller).

It is designed with the KISS principle in mind, and the whole source code can be read and understood in minutes. For better flexibility, the software uses PDO (PHP Data Objects) abstraction which allows the choice of the database. The principle of development is DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) aimed at reducing repetition of information of all kinds (no duplicate code) and YAGNI principle to avoid unused code/not needed functionality in the software.

This Free and Open Source Social Dating Site Builder wants to be low resource-intensive, powerful, stable and secure. The software also comes with 40+ system modules and is based on pH7Framework (written specifically for this project) that has over 52 packages.

To summarize, pH7Builder gives you the perfect ingredients to create the best online dating service or social networking website on the World Wide Web!

😻 How Powerful Your Social-Dating WebApp Will Be? πŸš€

It's not a hazard that pH7Builder is considered to be the first choice for creating an enterprise level dating Web application or a social networking platform

Great features like here and many other unique and exclusive features are waiting for YOU. Already released in pH7Builder!

Build a Social Dating Web App with pH7Builder

βš™ Requirements

πŸ›  Installation

πŸ— Nginx Configuration

In order to get pH7Builder working on nginx server, you need to add some custom nginx configuration.

Create /etc/nginx/ph7builder.conf and add the following:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
    index index.php;

Please note that the above code is the strict minimum and obviously you can add more rules by comparing with the main Apache .htaccess file.

Finally, in your nginx server configuration, you will have to include ph7builder.conf file to complete the configuration like below:

In file, e.g., /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yoursite.conf for Ubuntu and other OS based on Debian or /etc/nginx/conf.d/yoursite.conf for CentOS and other OS based on Red Hat.

server {
    # Port number. In most cases, 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS
    listen 80;

    server_name www.yoursite.com;
    root /var/www/ph7builder_public_root;
    index index.php;
    client_max_body_size 50M;

    error_log /var/log/nginx/yoursite.error.log;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/yoursite.access.log;

    # Include ph7builder.conf. You can also directly add the "location" rule instead of including the conf file
    include /etc/nginx/ph7builder.conf;

For more information, please refer to the nginx documentation. <br />

Create Your Own Niche Dating Service in New York City

πŸ“ Translations

You can find and add other languages on the I18N repo.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ The Cook

Designed & Coded with lots of ❀️ by Pierre-Henry Soria. A SUPER Passionate Belgian Software Engineer 🍫🍺

Pierre-Henry Soria

@phenrysay pH-7 PayPal

🀝 Hire Me At Your Company?

Are you building a scalable social/dating Web application?

Do you think you might need a software engineer like me at your company? (who could even be willing to relocate) πŸ‘‰ Let's chat together! 😊

LinkedIn Whatsapp

πŸ’² Offer Me A Cup of Tea? (...or tea bags...) 🍡

You appreciate the project, all the years intensively spent on the core development, and don't want to let it die...?

Paypal Patreon

⚑ Official Website


πŸ“š Documentation

pH7Builder Documentation

🀯 Troubleshooting

πŸ’– Contributing

I Love Open Source Ko Fi - Offer Me A Flat White

Anyone can contribute on pH7Builder GitHub repository!

Finding bugs, improving the CMS/doc or adding translations. Any contribution is welcome and highly appreciated!

Just clone the repository, make your changes and then make a push ;-)

WARNING: Your code/modification must be of excellent quality and follow the Code Convention and PSR. I manually review and validate all improvements and changes you I've done.

pH7Software GitHub. Me, at a Costa coffee shop on Feb 4th, 2017.

🌲 pH7Builder; The Eco-Friendly CMS ❀️

Eco Friendly. Love the World and Love the Nature

pH7Builder has been designed to reduce power and CPU usage of your server in order to preserve the nature and help to save our environment.

pH7Builder's templates also use lighter colors since LCD monitors use less electricity to display them.

Finally, please consider using green Web hosting (which use Green Power supply).

πŸ‘‰ Other 10 Easy Ways to Green Your Social Community πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ’ͺ Calculate Carbon Footprint of your Social Dating Service 🌍

How is your website impacting the planet? => Check it on the Website Carbon Calculator such as https://www.websitecarbon.com

πŸ”¨ Tools/Software Used to Develop pH7Builder

πŸ–‹ Contact (Suggestion / Feedback)

Feel free to send me an email at hello {AT} ph7builder {D0T} com

βš–οΈ License

pH7Builder (also known as pH7CMS) is an open-source software generously distributed under the MIT license.

See the LICENSE.md and COPYRIGHT.md files for further details.

Beautiful Profile Dating Page

pH7Builder allows anyone to start a web dating app like Tinder/Bumble or Badoo

Admin Panel, Browse Users

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