

pH7Builder I18N - Internationalization Pack

pH7Builder Internationalization package. To add new languages to your social dating website using pH7Builder (formerly known as pH7CMS).

Available Languages

(not 100% completed)

Feel free to contribute by translating the files and adding new languages. Fork the repo, add your changes, commit them and create a pull request.

If you want to translate new languages, start with global.pot Gettext file. You can use software such as Poedit to make the translation much easier.

Then, don't forget to compile it in order to get global.mo file and upload it in "binary" format using an FTP client such as Filezilla or WinSCP.

How to Install Those Languages?


If it doesn't work even if Gettext is installed on your server, it means the locale (language) you want to install is not available on your server/web hosting. You will have to install it or contact your host to install the locale (language) you want to use for your site.

For Debian-based OS (such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint), please have a look here -> how to install a new locale.

Official Website

PHP Dating Script

The Author

Pierre-Henry Soria 👋


You can send email for any suggestion or question at: hello {AT} ph7builder {D0T} com


License: General Public License 3 or newer;