


Random collection of samples and demos into peotelibs haxespace:

peote-view - base render layer
peote-text - handles text rendering
peote-ui - fast user interface
peote-layout - to create nested layouts (depends on "jasper"-lib)
peote-event - simple listener/observer eventsystem
peote-net - networking (depends on "peote-socket" lib)

Here is a small diagram of which lib is based on what:

        /      \
   peote-text   \
      /          \
 peote-view       \
    /              \
L I M E        peote-layout     peote-event     peote-net   

Among other things, it should also show various use cases and procedures, or how everything interacts with other common haxelibs.

Feel free to play around or add some new ones! (start quick in using a copy of the _starter/ folder)