

Peote UI - Userinterface for peote-view

->work in progress<-

To see whats working at now look into samples/ folder!

Installation and Dependencies:

For fast opengl-rendering:

haxelib git peote-view https://github.com/maitag/peote-view
haxelib git peote-text https://github.com/maitag/peote-text

To put ui-elements into a nested layout:

haxelib git peote-layout https://github.com/maitag/peote-layout

While PeoteUI and it's widget-workflow is depend on peote-layout, you can also using PeoteUIDisplay and layout it manually like into sample here: peote-layout/samples/peote-ui.

To map keyboard-shortcuts or using gamepad for input-control you need input2action:

haxelib git input2action https://github.com/maitag/input2action

Finally install the lib itself by:

haxelib git peote-ui https://github.com/maitag/peote-ui

How to use

There are 2 ways how to use peote-ui.


This is the simplest way where interactive elements can be placed directly by x/y values inside the Display with a given size.

Available elements you can add:



Here the PeoteUI itself and all widgets are layout-container abstracts of peote-layout. So you can create a userinterface where all is contained into a nesting structure to make the inner elements scalable in depend to the outer size. This can be useful e.g. to automatically fit your UI to different display-sizes.

Available Widgets: