


Pure Haxe eventhandling and time-scheduling.
All relations between the objects that handle events are stored in linked lists.


haxelib git peote-event https://github.com/maitag/peote-event

How to use

Create a class that extends the PeoteEvent<PARAM> with a specific parametertype PARAM.
The callback-function for recieving events must have 2 parameters,
the event-number of type Int and some data of type PARAM (in this case String):

class GameObject extends PeoteEvent<String>
    public function new() { super(); }

	public function recieveEvent(event:Int, param:String ):Void 
		trace( 'recieves event $event: $param' );

Instanzes of that type are able to send and recieve events:

alice = new GameObject();
bob   = new GameObject();

Let an object listen to another object for an specific event number:

alice.listenEvent( bob, 1, alice.recieveEvent ); // alice ist listening to event 1 from bob

If bob is sending an event with that number, all objects that listen to it
will call it's recieve-function with the additional string-parameter:

bob.sendEvent ( 1, "message from bob" ); // bob is send an event with number 1 and some string-data

in this case the recieveEvent function of object alice is called.

PeoteEvents and the PeoteTimeslicer

The PeoteTimeslicer class works like a singlethreaded scheduler.
It queues all PeoteEvents and runs the callbacks somwhat later in time.

The first parameter defines the maximum delay-time in seconds for all time-events.
The second parameter defines the precision of the scheduler in steps-per-seconds:

var timeslicer:PeoteTimeslicer<String> = new PeoteTimeslicer<String>(60, 10);

Take care of these values, internally it will create a great ringbuffer with a
size of maxSeconds * stepsPerSecond + 1 to store all events related to a specific timestep.

Use the sendTimeEvent method together with a running timeslicer-object to send the event after a delay:

bob.sendTimeEvent ( 1, "message from bobs past", timeslicer, 3.5 );

in this case the recieveEvent function of alice is called by the timeslicer 3.5 seconds later.

PeoteEvent API

sendEvent(event:Int, params:PARAM = null)
    sending an (numbered) event to all listeners
    params are optional

sendTimeEvent(event:Int, params:PARAM = null, timeslicer:PeoteTimeslicer<PARAM>, delay:Float = 0.0)
    sending an (numbered) event to all listeners after a delay-time
    params and delay are optional

listenEvent(sender:PeoteEvent<PARAM>, event:Int , callback:Int->PARAM->Void, checkEventExists:Bool = true)
    listen to an specific object for an (numbered) event
    if an event is recieved the callback function is called
	if checkEventExists is true, old listenings to that event will deleted before setting a new one
unlistenEvent(sender:PeoteEvent<PARAM>, event:Int)
    stops listening of a specific event from the sender-object

   stops listening of all events from the sender-object

    stops listening to all sender-objects

    removes a specific listener-object

    removes all listener-objects

Macro helpers

To avoid extending PeoteEvent<EventParam> you can also use a build-macro to automatic generate the expected event-methods to make your own class-types event-ready.

@:build( peote.event.PeoteEventMacro.build() )
class EventObject {...}

so into this case all EventObject-instances can listen and send events each other of same type. The event-param-type then is the reference of an EventObject (e.g. into most case the "sender" itself).

Another usecase would be to have a custom event-param-type and also some optional "postfix" for all generated methods like this:

@:build( peote.event.PeoteEventMacro.build( {param:Param, postfix:"Super"} ))
class EventObject {...}

So instead of listenEvent(...) it will generated as listenEventSuper(...) and expect a callback where the param-type is Param.

You can also give a special type for senders and listeners, e.g. to use an Interface over multiple classes:

// a typedef is need because the macro functionarguments don't accept <TypeParameter>
typedef IPeoteEventParam = IPeoteEvent<Param>;

@:build( peote.event.PeoteEventMacro.build( {type:IPeoteEventParam, param:Param} ))
class A implements IPeoteEvent<Param> {...}

@:build( peote.event.PeoteEventMacro.build( {type:IPeoteEventParam, param:Param} ))
class B implements IPeoteEvent<Param> {...}

More spicy things an be done by generating multiple Event-Types where each of them can recieve/send to defined other ones with a unique "postfix" for all type-listen/send-specific types. For this you have to use .buildMulti() with arguments like:

@:build( peote.event.PeoteEventMacro.buildMulti(
	{listen:A, param:A}, // generates "listenEvent()" and so on (can listen to A)
	{listen:B, param:ParamB, postfix:"FromB"}, // generates "listenEventFromB()" etc.
	{send:A, param:A} // generates "sendEvent" (can send only to A)
class A {...}

   {listen:B, param:ParamB}, // generates "listenEvent()" (can listen to B)
   {send:B, param:ParamB},   // generates "sendEvent()"  (can send to B)
   {send:A, param:ParamB, postfix:"ToA"} // generates "sendEventToA()" (can send also to A)
class B {...}

Best to figure out how it works for more complex event-type-systems is to take a look at the samples here.
