

The Best Magento 2 SEO Extension FREE

Mageplaza SEO All-in-One for Magento 2 is a bundle of outstanding features that are auto-active when you install it from Mageplaza without any code modifications. It is also friendly with your store if you need to insert meta keywords and meta descriptions for your product. It will do perfectly for your better SEO.

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

Highlight Features for SEO Standard Edition

1. SEO Documentation

2. How to install Magento 2 SEO extension

Install module via composer (recommend)

Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

With Social Proof (Recommend):

composer require mageplaza/magento-2-seo-extension mageplaza/module-sitemap avada/module-proofo
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Without Social Proof:

composer require mageplaza/magento-2-seo-extension mageplaza/module-sitemap
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Install Package from copy-paste package

Download the latest version at Mageplaza.com then follow installation guide


Q: I got error: Mageplaza_Core has been already defined

A: Read solution: https://github.com/mageplaza/module-core/issues/3

Q: My site is down

A: Please follow this guide: https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/magento-site-down.html

4. Contribute to this SEO module

Feel free to Fork and contrinute to this module and create a pull request so we will merge your changes to master branch.

5. Magento 2 SEO Introduction

Improve your SEO for Magento 2 site. Use Mageplaza SEO All in One to automatically optimize your site for Search Engines. Mageplaza SEO extension will automatically optimize and greatly improve the performance of your Magento-based store in Search Engines. Magento 2 is great SEO-ready out-of-the-box that is really good for SEO. However it still needs some craftiness to be improved in a few areas.

Mageplaza SEO module will support a list of new useful tools and settings that help you have own all the technical optimization with automatically optimizing and inserting the meta tags and link elements that Google or other Search Engines like so much:

Stop Duplicating Content SEO

By automatically preventing the duplicate content problem, Mageplaza SEO extension will avoid your site from being affected badly to the search ranking or caused the traffic loss, and as a result, boost the SEO performance significantly.

magento 2 seo duplicate content

Magento 2 Structured Data

Mageplaza SEO All-in-One will add schema structured data to Magento 2 store automatically without configuration to help Search engines display your web pages better and more attractive.

Magento 2 structured data

SEO Metadata template rules (SEO Pro edition)

For the marketers, it’s critical to understand and use the metadata that helps to drive the customer from the search engines. With Magento 2 SEO Pro edition, it’s completely a huge advantage that you can set mass and dynamic metadata information for products, categories, pages, layered navigation.

Magento 2 seo meta data

Magento 2 Hreflang tag (SEO Ultimate edition)

You can easily to use the ‘Hreflang’ tags to tell the Search Engines which language you’re using in the specific page so when the visitors search in that language, your page will rank higher.

Magento 2 Hreflang

SEO checklist (SEO Ultimate edition)

The smart list for a perfect performance! The SEO checklists can tell you what you haven’t done yet, what you should do or even warn you to make sure your SEO process is going the right way.

Magento 2 seo checklist

SEO HTML/XML Sitemaps (SEO Pro edition)

While the XML sitemap is specifically written for the search engines spiders, the HTML one is primarily for users. Hence, creating those 2 sitemaps will help your site to be easier to understand for both search engines and the users.


Easily to Provides a link to an alternate version of the site by adding the rel=”alternate”.


Make your site content to be easier readable by the search engines by adding options: Follow/Nofollow/Noindex for Products, Categories, CMS Pages.


A huge advantage when you have Megaplaza SEO extension is that it’s fully supported by Layered Navigation to make the SEO performance even better.

Full Magento 2 SEO Features

SEO Pricing

Magento 2 seo pricing


Magento 2 SEO Basic Settings

Firstly, we will familiar with the module via the list of the configuration. Login as Admin account, go to the path Mageplaza > SEO > Settings.

General SEO Configuration

Open General Configuration section, you can see:

In Stop words field, choose the language of the stop words to use. For example: if choose en (English), the stop words are a the, of, for, etc.

SEO Duplicate Content Setting

Continue with the next session - Duplicate Content, there are some configurations related to the duplicate content:

Configuration Duplicate Content for SEO

Social Shares Setting

Social Shares provides the working fields that support for the better SEO on the social channels. Now expand that section and do the following:


Magento 2 Structured Data Setting

Scroll down and expand the Structured Data section, you will:

Magento 2 Structured Data Setting

Social Profiles Setting

Magento 2 SEO extension permits to show Social Profiles when your website is searched on Google.

Magento 2 Social Profiles Setting

Business information

You can enable Business Information if choosing "Yes". Just enter the information into the corresponding fields, then all of them will be shown in the search result.

Magento 2 SEO Business


In the Verification field, you need to enter the verification code to confirm the ownership of your site. Hence, you can use the Web services such as Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Pinterest and Yandex Webmaster Tools.


Mageplaza extensions on Magento Marketplace, Github

Magento 2 One Step Checkout extension

Magento 2 SEO Module

Magento 2 Blog extension

Magento 2 Layered Navigation extension

Magento One Step Checkout

Magento 2 Blog on Github

Magento 2 Social Login on Github

Magento 2 SEO on Github

Magento 2 SMTP on Github

Magento 2 Product Slider on Github


SEO v2.1.1

Released on 2018-06-05

Release notes:

SEO Ultimate

SEO v2.1.0

Released on 2018-04-23

Release notes:

SEO v2.0.2

Released on 2017-12-12

Release notes:

SEO v2.0.1

Released on 2017-11-13

Release notes:

SEO v2.0.0

Released on 2017-10-26

Release notes:

Rebuilt Mageplaza SEO Standard edition.

SEO v1.4.1

Released on 2017-06-12

Release notes:

SEO v1.4.0

Released on 2017-05-23

Release notes:

SEO v1.3.1

Released on 2017-05-23

Release notes:

SEO v1.3.0

Released on 2017-04-24

Release notes:

SEO Core , Sitemap

Rule templates

SEO v1.2.2

Released on 2017-04-24

Release notes:

SEO v1.2.1

Released on 2017-04-09

Release notes:

SEO v1.2.0

Released on 2017-04-09

Release notes:


Bug fixes

SEO v1.1.4

Released on 2016-11-23

Release notes:

SEO v1.1.2

Released on 2016-11-22

Release notes:

SEO v1.1.1

Released on 2016-10-20

Release notes:

SEO v1.1.0

Released on 2016-10-20

Release notes:



Bug fixing

SEO v1.0.2

Released on 2016-08-09

Release notes:

SEO v1.0.1

Released on 2016-07-20

Release notes:

SEO v1.0.0-beta

Released on 2016-04-23

Release notes:

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