

Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA Free Extension

Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA keeps abusive activities away. By creating a human-friendly shield, bots will be not allowed to access your admin panel and your store, while humans can pass through with ease.

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

google recaptcha

IMPORTANT NOTE: This version of Mageplaza Google reCAPTCHA extension on Github is free as a contribution to the Magento community from Mageplaza. This package does not include the technical support. Should you need technical support for this extension, you will have to buy a license from Mageplaza. Click here to buy.

1. Documentation

2. FAQs

Q: I got error: Mageplaza_Core has been already defined

A: Read solution here

Q: What types of forms that Google reCAPTCHA can be displayed on?

A: There are 6 forms which can be selected to display reCAPTCHA on frontend: Login, Forget password, Change password, Product review, Contact us and Registration form. However, admins can insert URL paths and CSS selectors to display reCAPTCHA on any forms they want.

Q: What types of CAPTCHA that your module is applying?

A: reCAPTCHA v2 and invisible CAPTCHA are integrated in Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA.

Q: Where in a form can I display reCAPTCHA?

A: You can display reCAPTCHA on the Bottom left, Bottom right and Inline.

Q: Can I change the language of reCAPTCHA?

A: Yes, you can choose a language code to display reCAPTCHA on the backend.

3. How to install Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA extension

Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

composer require mageplaza/module-google-recaptcha
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

4. Google reCAPTCHA highlight features

Invisible reCAPTCHA

Mageplaza Google reCAPTCHA extension integrates invisible reCAPTCHA which allows humans to pass through the protection with ease, yet it stops bots from abusive activities.

There is no CAPTCHA box within the form’s area, invisible CAPTCHA appears on the right/left bottom of the page which ensures not to distract the user. Invisible CAPTCHA will only popped up if any abusive activities from bots are found, and let humans go through without any interruption.

Add Google reCAPTCHAs to any forms

There’s no limit to add reCAPTCHAs to any kinds of form on the frontend. Admins can either select available forms or insert URL paths/CSS selectors to display reCAPTCHAs to anywhere they want. There are 6 forms which are available to select with ease:

Backend reCAPTCHAs

Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA also allows adding CAPTCHA to the backend in two forms:

backend captchas

5. More features

Customize reCaptcha forms

Set no limit to which forms to display Google reCAPTCHA by inserting URL post paths and CSS selectors.


Google reCaptcha for Magento 2 is highly compatible with other extensions: Mageplaza Blog, Mageplaza Security, Mageplaza Social Login, Mageplaza Gift Card, Mageplaza One Step Checkout.

Badge positions

Google reCAPTCHAs can be displayed right in the form or on the bottom left or on the bottom right of the page

Multi-language CAPTCHAs

Add a language code to change the language of reCAPTCHAs.

6. Full Magento 2 Google ReCaptcha feature list

For admins

For users

7. How to configure Google Recaptcha extension

How to configure Google Recaptcha extension


General configuration

general configuration

Note: Invisible CAPTCHAs are implemented to the frontend only

Note: Visible CAPTCHAs are implemented to the backend only

Backend Configuration

backend configuration

How to configure Magento 2 Google Recaptcha

size 2

size 3


Frontend Configuration

frontend configuration

badge position

theme 2

custom form position


example 2

example 3


php bin/magento module:disable Mageplaza_Recaptcha

Or, use this command below to disable the configuration:

php bin/magento mageplaza:core:disable Mageplaza_Recaptcha

How Google reCAPTCHA is displayed on the Magento 2 frontend

the display on the frontend

display on frontend 1

How Google reCAPTCHA is displayed in the Magento 2 backend

the display in the backend

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