

Catalog of Elixir Refactorings

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Elixir is a functional programming language whose popularity is on the rise in the industry <sup>link</sup>. As no known studies have explored refactoring strategies for code implemented with this language, we reviewed scientific literature seeking refactoring strategies in other functional languages. The found refactorings were analyzed, filtering only those directly compatible or that could be adapted for Elixir code. As a result of this investigation, we have initially proposed a catalog of 55 refactorings for Elixir systems.

Afterward, we scoured websites, blogs, forums, and videos (grey literature review), looking for specific refactorings for Elixir that its developers discuss. With this investigation, the catalog was expanded to 76 refactorings. Finally, 6 new refactorings emerged from a study mining software repositories (MSR) performed by us, so this catalog is constantly being updated and currently has 82 refactorings. These refactorings are categorized into four different groups (Elixir-specific, traditional, functional, and Erlang-specific), according to the programming features required in code transformations. This catalog of Elixir refactorings is presented below. Each refactoring is documented using the following structure:

Note: (*) not all refactorings have explicit definitions for these fields.

Tool support: RefactorEx is a VS Code extension inspired by this catalog that can semi-automatically apply some of the refactoring strategies defined here. Please take a look!

This catalog of refactorings aims to improve the quality of code developed in Elixir, helping developers promote the redesign of their code, making it simpler to understand, modify, or even improving performance. These transformations must be performed without changing the original behavior, thus preserving the code's functionality. For this reason, we are interested in knowing Elixir's community opinion about these refactorings: Do you agree that these refactorings can be useful? Have you seen any of them in production code? Do you have any suggestions about some Elixir-specific refactorings not cataloged by us?...

Please feel free to make pull requests and suggestions (Issues tab). We want to hear from you!

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Elixir-Specific Refactorings

Elixir-specific refactorings are those that use programming features unique to this language. In this section, 14 different refactorings classified as Elixir-specific are explained and exemplified:

Alias expansion

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Default value for an absent key in a Map

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Defining a subset of a Map

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Modifying keys in a Map

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Simplifying Ecto schema fields validation

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Pipeline using "with"

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Pipeline for database transactions

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Transform nested "if" statements into a "cond"

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Explicit a double boolean negation

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Transform "if" statements using pattern matching into a "case"

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Moving "with" clauses without pattern matching

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Remove redundant last clause in "with"

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Replace "Enum" collections with "Stream"

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Generalise a process abstraction

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Traditional Refactorings

Traditional refactorings are those mainly based on Fowler's catalog or that use programming features independent of languages or paradigms. In this section, 25 different refactorings classified as traditional are explained and exemplified:

Rename an identifier

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Moving a definition

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Add or remove a parameter

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Grouping parameters in tuple

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Reorder parameter

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Extract function

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Inline function

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Folding against a function definition

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Extract constant

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Temporary variable elimination

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Extract expressions

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Splitting a large module

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Remove nested conditional statements in function calls

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Move file

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Remove dead code

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Introduce a temporary duplicate definition

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Introduce overloading

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Remove import attributes

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Introduce import

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Group Case Branches

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Move expression out of case

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Simplifying checks by using truthness condition

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Reducing a boolean equality expression

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Transform "unless" with negated conditions into "if"

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Replace conditional with polymorphism via Protocols

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Functional Refactorings

Functional refactorings are those that use programming features characteristic of functional languages, such as pattern matching and higher-order functions. In this section, 32 different refactorings classified as functional are explained and exemplified:

Generalise a function definition

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Introduce pattern matching over a parameter

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Turning anonymous into local functions

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Merging multiple definitions

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Splitting a definition

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Inline macro

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Transforming list appends and subtracts

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From tuple to struct

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Struct guard to matching

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Struct field access elimination

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Equality guard to pattern matching

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Static structure reuse

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Simplifying guard sequences

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Converts guards to conditionals

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Widen or narrow definition scope

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Introduce Enum.map/2

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Merging match expressions into a list pattern

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Function clauses to/from case clauses

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Transform a body-recursive function to a tail-recursive

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Eliminate single branch

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Transform to list comprehension

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Nested list functions to comprehension

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List comprehension simplifications

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Closure conversion

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Replace pipeline with a function

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Remove single pipe

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Simplifying pattern matching with nested structs

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Improving list appending performance

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Convert nested conditionals to pipeline

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Replacing recursion with a higher-level construct

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Replace a nested conditional in a "case" statement with guards

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Replace function call with raw value in a pipeline start

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Erlang-Specific Refactorings

Erlang-specific refactorings are those that use programming features unique to the Erlang ecosystem (e.g., OTP, typespecs, and behaviours). In this section, 11 different refactorings classified as Erlang-specific are explained and exemplified:

Typing parameters and return values

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Moving error-handling mechanisms to supervision trees

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From meta to normal function application

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Remove unnecessary calls to length/1

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Add type declarations and contracts

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Introduce processes

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Remove processes

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Add a tag to messages

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Register a process

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Behaviour extraction

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Behaviour inlining

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This catalog was proposed by Lucas Vegi and Marco Tulio Valente, from ASERG/DCC/UFMG.

For more info see the following paper:

Please feel free to make pull requests and suggestions (Issues tab).

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Our research is part of the initiative called Research with Elixir (in portuguese). We are supported by Dashbit and Rebase, which are companies that support this initiative:

<div align="center"> <a href="https://dashbit.co/" alt="Click to learn more about Dashbit!" title="Click to learn more about Dashbit!"><img width="23%" src="https://github.com/lucasvegi/Elixir-Refactorings/blob/main/etc/dashbit_logo.png?raw=true"></a> <br><br> <a href="https://rebase.com.br/" alt="Click to learn more about Rebase!" title="Click to learn more about Rebase!"><img width="23%" src="https://github.com/lucasvegi/Elixir-Refactorings/blob/main/etc/rebase_logo.png?raw=true"></a> <br><br> </div>

We were also supported by Finbits, a Brazilian Elixir-based fintech that is a supporter of this initiative:

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.finbits.com.br/" alt="Click to learn more about Finbits!" title="Click to learn more about Finbits!"><img width="15%" src="https://github.com/lucasvegi/Elixir-Code-Smells/blob/main/etc/finbits.png?raw=true"></a> <br><br> </div>

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<!-- Links --> <!-- [ICPC-ERA]: https://conf.researchr.org/track/icpc-2022/icpc-2022-era [preprint-copy]: https://doi.org/ [ICPC22-PDF]: https://github.com/lucasvegi/Elixir-Code-Smells/blob/main/etc/Code-Smells-in-Elixir-ICPC22-Lucas-Vegi.pdf [ICPC22-YouTube]: https://youtu.be/3X2gxg13tXo [Podcast-Spotify]: http://elixiremfoco.com/episode?id=lucas-vegi-e-marco-tulio -->


  1. This refactoring emerged from a Grey Literature Review (GLR). 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

  2. This refactoring emerged from a Mining Software Repositories (MSR) study. 2 3 4 5

  3. This refactoring emerged from an extended Systematic Literature Review (SLR).