

Catalog of Elixir-specific code smells

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Elixir is a functional programming language whose popularity is rising in the industry <sup>link</sup>. However, there are few works in the scientific literature focused on studying the internal quality of systems implemented in this language.

In order to better understand the types of sub-optimal code structures that can harm the internal quality of Elixir systems, we scoured websites, blogs, forums, and videos (grey literature review), looking for specific code smells for Elixir that are discussed by its developers.

As a result of this investigation, we have initially proposed a catalog of 18 new smells that are specific to Elixir systems. After that, 1 new smell emerged from a study with mining software repositories (MSR) performed by us, and other smells are being suggested by the community, so this catalog is constantly being updated (currently 23 smells). These code smells are categorized into two different groups (design-related and low-level concerns), according to the type of impact and code extent they affect. This catalog of Elixir-specific code smells is presented below. Each code smell is documented using the following structure:

In addition to the Elixir-specific code smells, our catalog also documents 12 traditional code smells discussed in the context of Elixir systems.

The objective of this catalog of code smells is to instigate the improvement of the quality of code developed in Elixir. For this reason, we are interested in knowing Elixir's community opinion about these code smells: Do you agree that these code smells can be harmful? Have you seen any of them in production code? Do you have any suggestions about some Elixir-specific code smell not cataloged by us?...

Please feel free to make pull requests and suggestions (Issues tab). We want to hear from you!

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Design-related smells

Design-related smells are more complex, affect a coarse-grained code element, and are therefore harder to detect. In this section, 14 different smells classified as design-related are explained and exemplified:

GenServer Envy

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Agent Obsession

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Unsupervised process

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Large messages

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Unrelated multi-clause function

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Complex extractions in clauses

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Using exceptions for control-flow

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Untested polymorphic behaviors

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Code organization by process

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Large code generation by macros

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Data manipulation by migration

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Using App Configuration for libraries

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Compile-time global configuration

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"Use" instead of "import"

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Low-level concerns smells

Low-level concerns smells are more simple than design-related smells and affect a small part of the code. Next, all 9 different smells classified as low-level concerns are explained and exemplified:

Working with invalid data

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Complex branching

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Complex else clauses in with

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Alternative return types

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Accessing non-existent Map/Struct fields

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Speculative Assumptions

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Modules with identical names

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Unnecessary macros

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Dynamic atom creation

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This catalog was proposed by Lucas Vegi and Marco Tulio Valente, from ASERG/DCC/UFMG.

For more info see the following paper:

Please feel free to make pull requests and suggestions (Issues tab).

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We are supported by Finbits<sup>TM</sup>, a Brazilian Elixir-based fintech:

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.finbits.com.br/" alt="Click to learn more about Finbits!" title="Click to learn more about Finbits!"><img width="20%" src="https://github.com/lucasvegi/Elixir-Code-Smells/blob/main/etc/finbits.png?raw=true"></a> <br><br> </div>

Our research is also part of the initiative called Research with Elixir (in portuguese).

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  1. These code smells were suggested by the Elixir community. 2 3 4

  2. This code smell emerged from a study with mining software repositories (MSR).