

Awesome Deliberative Prompting Awesome

How to ask Large Language Models (LLMs) to produce reliable reasoning and make reason-responsive decisions.

deliberation, n.

The action of thinking carefully about something, esp. in order to reach a decision; careful consideration; an act or instance of this. (OED)


Success Stories

Striking evidence for effectiveness of deliberative prompting.

Prompting Patterns and Strategies

Prompting strategies and patterns to make LLMs deliberate.

Beyond "Let's think step by step"

Instructing LLMs to reason (in a specific way).

Multi-Agent Deliberation

Let one (or many) LLMs simulate a free controversy.

Reflection and Meta-Cognition

Higher-order reasoning strategies that may improve first-order deliberation.

Text Generation Techniques

Text generation techniques, which can be combined with prompting patterns and strategies.


Let LLMs self-correct their deliberation.

Reasoning Analytics

Methods for analysing LLM deliberation and assessing reasoning quality.

Limitations, Failures, Puzzles

Things that don't work, or are poorly understood.


Datasets containing examples of deliberative prompting, potentially useful for training models / assessing their deliberation skills.

Tools and Frameworks

Tools and Frameworks to implement deliberative prompting.

Other Resources

More awesome and useful material.