

<p align="center"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/rSyq3MW.png" alt="The Documentation Compendium"></a> </p> <h3 align="center">The Documentation Compendium</h3> <div align="center">

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<p align = "center">đź’ˇ Various templates & tips on writing high-quality documentation that people want to read.</p>

Table of Contents

Why must you document your project? <a name = "why_document"></a>

Best Practices<a name = "best_practices"></a>

Things to remember:

Things you should avoid:

Templates <a name = "templates"></a>

The Art of Technical Writing <a name = "art"></a>

Further reading on technical writing topics from www.writethedocs.org

Technical Writing Programs <a name = "programs"></a>

  1. Google Season of Docs
  2. A List of Open Source Projects with Volunteer Documentation Opportunities

Awesome Technical Writing Sources <a name = "sources"></a>

  1. r/technicalwriting
  2. My Tech Writing Process - Amruta Ranade
  3. Developer to Technical Writer - r/technicalwriting
  4. awesome-github-templates - devspace
  5. makeareadme - dguo
  6. What nobody tells you about documentation - Daniele Procida
  7. 3 Essential Components of Great Documentation - Eli B
  8. Inspiring techies to become great writers - Cameron Shorter
  9. Technical Documentation Writing Principles - Cameron Shorter
  10. Building Our Documentation Site on platformOS — Part 2: Content Production and Layouts - Diana Lakato
  11. Google Developer Documentation Style Guide - Google
  12. README Maturity Model - LappleApple
  13. Markdown Style Guide - Ciro Santilli

Get Feedback <a name = "feedback"></a>

Acknowledgements <a name = "acknowledgements"></a>

  1. Documenting your projects on GitHub - GitHub Guides
  2. documentation-handbook - jamiebuilds
  3. Documentation Guide - Write the Docs

P.S. <a name = "ps"></a>

<p xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:vcard="http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#"> <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"> <img src="http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" /> </a> <br /> To the extent possible under law, <a rel="dct:publisher" href="https://github.com/kylelobo/"> <span property="dct:title">Kyle Lobo</span></a> has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to <span property="dct:title">The Documentation Compendium</span>. </p>