

Feedmereadmes: A README Help Exchange

This project originated during a conversation at FOSDEM 2017 between folks at RedHat and (at the time) Zalando. It's here to serve:

Note: Please submit only READMEs, not full sets of documentation or manuals.

Press + Quotes

Inspiration List

Go here for relevant articles, talks, and projects that we find inspiring. Add your own favorites via pull request.

Why We're Doing This

Documentation remains an overlooked part of OSS development. How this plays out:

Feedmereadmes aims to help bridge the gap between project maintainers who want to make their docs user-friendly, and people with writing and editing skills who can help them. We define "user" to include non-developers and aim to tell compelling stories. "[C]ode isn't self-documenting" is one of our mantras, as per Mike Jang's 2015 OSCON talk offering Ten Steps to Better READMEs.

Our Project Aims, in No Specific Order:

A Note to FOSS First-Timers Who Write/Edit: Why Work for Free?

Some of us have worked as full-time writers and editors. So we understand that requests to work for free can be annoying and even insulting. Free doesn't buy dinner, or pay the rent. With that in mind, consider why you want to contribute to a project. Don't over-commit. Start with helping one project, then assess your experience. Did you like it? Did you not? What would make it better? Would you do it again?

Many of us contribute to FOSS projects at work; we are lucky. You might not have this opportunity ... yet. Many of us non-devs working in the tech industry have created our own jobs. Our writing, editing and communications skills are valuable.

One thing to keep in mind, in FOSS and in life: Go where it's warm. If a project creator treats you poorly, assert your boundaries. Seek collaborators who make you feel respected, appreciated, and "one of us." Don't settle for less.