Awesome GitHub Issues & PRs Templates
GitHub listened and now we're able to create templates for issues and pull requests.
This is a curated list of templates that can offer inspiration for your project. An awesome template is one that informs contributors how to proceed in a very detailed or unique way.
:mortar_board: Instructions
:bomb: Templates for Issues
- angular-translate/angular-translate
- appium/appium
- bchavez/rethinkdb.driver
- codeforamerica/howto
- driftyco/ionic
- eddyverbruggen/toast-phonegap-plugin
- growcss/growcss
- polymer/polymer
- theos/theos
- urigo/angular-meteor
- sindresorhus/ava
:rocket: Templates for Pull Requests
- angular-translate/angular-translate
- appium/appium
- bchavez/rethinkdb.driver
- driftyco/ionic
- go-sql-driver/mysql
- theos/theos
- urigo/angular-meteor