

<div align="center"> <h1>🤖 OMEGA</h1> <h2>Efficient Occlusion-Aware Navigation for Air-Ground Robot in Dynamic Environments via State Space Model</h2> <br> <a href='https://jmwang0117.github.io/OMEGA/'>Project_Page</a> </div>

📢 News

<div align="center">
Simulation ResultsExperiment Log
</div> <div align="center">
OccMamba ResultsExperiment Log
OccMamba on the SemanticKITTI hidden official test datasetlink
OccMamba test loglink
OccMamba evaluation loglink

📜 Introduction

OMEGA emerges as the pioneering navigation system tailored for AGRs in dynamic settings, with a focus on ensuring occlusion-free mapping and pathfinding. It incorporates OccMamba, a module designed to process point clouds and perpetually update local maps, thereby preemptively identifying obstacles within occluded areas. Complementing this, AGR-Planner utilizes up-to-date maps to facilitate efficient and effective route planning, seamlessly navigating through dynamic environments.

<p align="center"> <img src="misc/head.png" width = 60% height = 60%/> </p>
title={OMEGA: Efficient Occlusion-Aware Navigation for Air-Ground Robot in Dynamic Environments via State Space Model},
author={Wang, Junming and Huang, Dong and Sun, Zekai and Guan, Xiuxian and Shen, Tianxiang and Liu, Fangming and Cui, Heming},

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🛠️ Installation


💽 Dataset

🤗 AGR-Family Works

🏆 Acknowledgement

Many thanks to these excellent open source projects: