


Terrestrial-Aerial-Navigation is an autonomous navigation framework that brings complete autonomy to terrestrial-aerial bimodal vehicles (TABVs). This repository contains the following sub-modules:


If our source code or hardware platform is used in your academic projects, please cite the related paper below.

      author={Zhang, Ruibin and Wu, Yuze and Zhang, Lixian and Xu, Chao and Gao, Fei},
      journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
      title={Autonomous and Adaptive Navigation for Terrestrial-Aerial Bimodal Vehicles}, 

Video Links: Youtube.

<p align="center"> <img src="figs/cover.png" width="600"/> </p> </a>

Quick Start

Compiling tests passed on ubuntu 20.04. You can just execute the following commands one by one.

  1. Install nlopt following the official document.

  2. Install other dependencies and compile the project.

sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
git clone https://github.com/ZJU-FAST-Lab/Terrestrial-Aerial-Navigation.git
cd Terrestrial-Aerial-Navigation
source devel/setup.bash
sh src/run.sh

Then, you can trigger the planner and choose the planning goal using the 2D Nav Goal tool in rviz. Then, the TABV will follow terrestrial-aerial hybrid trajectories to navigate a random forest map and cross a high barrier :

<p align = "center"> <img src="figs/sim.gif" width = "700" height = "400" border="3" /> </p>

[NOTE] remember to change the CUDA option of src/uav_simulator/local_sensing/CMakeLists.txt, i.e., change the 'arch' and 'code' flags in the line of

  -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75;

according to your Nvidia graphics card version. You can check the right code here.


We build on Fast-Planner by extending its path searching and trajectory generation methods to TABV motion planning. We use NLopt for solving nonlinear optimization problems in trajectory generation.


The source code is released under GPLv3 license.


We are still working on extending the proposed system and improving code reliability.

For any technical issues, please contact Ruibin Zhang (ruibin_zhang@zju.edu.cn) or Fei Gao (fgaoaa@zju.edu.cn).

For commercial inquiries, please contact Fei Gao (fgaoaa@zju.edu.cn).