

🥇 Our documentation has moved here.

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Development Status: Maintenance Mode

Due to a glut of high priority Javalent plugin projects, this plugin is now entering maintenance mode for the time being. This is not a permanent status.

The Settings Search plugin adds global search functionality to the Obsidian settings, allowing users to quickly search for a particular setting. Keyboard navigation support is provided for ease of use. Additionally, plugin authors can add their settings dynamically using the API provided by the plugin. The plugin API includes three functions for this purpose: addResources(), removeResources(), and removeTabResources().



  1. Install the plugin from the Obsidian community plugins browser.
  2. Go to Obsidian Settings
  3. Search! That's it. That's the plugin.

Check out the plugin documentation for more detailed instructions and examples.


If you encounter any issues, want to give back and help out, or have suggestions for new features, file an issue on the GitHub repository.

Complementary plugins

If you're using Obsidian to better organize your notes, you may find some of my other plugins useful: