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Development Status: Maintenance Mode

Due to a glut of high priority Javalent plugin projects, this plugin is now entering maintenance mode for the time being. This is not a permanent status.

Markdown Attributes is a proof of concept Obsidian plugin that allows users to add Pandoc-style markdown attributes to various elements such as text, headers, tables, links, lists, code blocks, and block quotes.

This plugin enhances Obsidian's functionality by providing more options for customization and organization within notes. Note that while this plugin is stable and should not result in any loss of data, rendering errors may occur.



  1. To add an attribute to an element, surround the attribute name and value in curly braces {}. For example, to add a class attribute to a paragraph, write { .my-class } at the end of the paragraph.
  2. To add an ID attribute to an element, use the format id=identifier. For example, to add an ID attribute to a header, write { id=my-header } at the end of the header line.
  3. You can add attributes to a variety of elements, including paragraphs, headers, tables, links, lists, code blocks and block quotes. See the specific usage examples above for more information.
  4. If you encounter any rendering errors, create an issue and include the source text that caused the problem.

Check out the plugin documentation for more detailed instructions and examples.


If you encounter any issues, want to give back and help out, or have suggestions for new features, file an issue on the GitHub repository.

Complementary plugins

If you're using Obsidian to better organize your notes, you may find some of my other plugins useful: