

Local Texture Estimator for Implicit Representation Function

This repository contains the official implementation for LTE introduced in the following paper:

Local Texture Estimator for Implicit Representation Function (CVPR 2022)


Our code is based on Ubuntu 20.04, pytorch 1.10.0, CUDA 11.3 (NVIDIA RTX 3090 24GB, sm86) and python 3.6.

We recommend using conda for installation:

conda env create --file environment.yaml
conda activate lte

Quick Start

1. Download pre-trained models.

EDSR-baseline-LTEGoogle Drive
EDSR-baseline-LTE+Google Drive
RDN-LTEGoogle Drive
SwinIR-LTEGoogle Drive
SwinIR-MetaSRGoogle Drive
SwinIR-LIIFGoogle Drive

2. Reproduce experiments.

Table 1: EDSR-baseline-LTE

bash ./scripts/test-div2k.sh ./save/edsr-baseline-lte.pth 0

Table 1: RDN-LTE

bash ./scripts/test-div2k.sh ./save/rdn-lte.pth 0

Table 1: SwinIR-LTE

bash ./scripts/test-div2k-swin.sh ./save/swinir-lte.pth 8 0

Table 2: RDN-LTE

bash ./scripts/test-benchmark.sh ./save/rdn-lte.pth 0

Table 2: SwinIR-LTE

bash ./scripts/test-benchmark-swin.sh ./save/swinir-lte.pth 8 0

Train & Test


Train: python train.py --config configs/train-div2k/train_edsr-baseline-lte.yaml --gpu 0

Test: python test.py --config configs/test/test-div2k-2.yaml --model save/_train_edsr-baseline-lte/epoch-last.pth --gpu 0


Train: python train.py --config configs/train-div2k/train_edsr-baseline-lte-fast.yaml --gpu 0

Test: python test.py --config configs/test/test-fast-div2k-2.yaml --fast True --model save/_train_edsr-baseline-lte-fast/epoch-last.pth --gpu 0


Train: python train.py --config configs/train-div2k/train_rdn-lte.yaml --gpu 0,1

Test: python test.py --config configs/test/test-div2k-2.yaml --model save/_train_rdn-lte/epoch-last.pth --gpu 0


Train: python train.py --config configs/train-div2k/train_swinir-lte.yaml --gpu 0,1,2,3

Test: python test.py --config configs/test/test-div2k-2.yaml --model save/_train_swinir-lte/epoch-last.pth --window 8 --gpu 0

ModelTraining time (# GPU)
EDSR-baseline-LTE21h (1 GPU)
RDN-LTE82h (2 GPU)
SwinIR-LTE75h (4 GPU)

We use NVIDIA RTX 3090 24GB for training.

Fourier Space

The script Eval-Fourier-Feature-Space is used to generate the paper plots.


python demo.py --input ./demo/Urban100_img012x2.png --model save/edsr-baseline-lte.pth --scale 2 --output output.png --gpu 0


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

    author    = {Lee, Jaewon and Jin, Kyong Hwan},
    title     = {Local Texture Estimator for Implicit Representation Function},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {1929-1938}


This code is built on LIIF and SwinIR. We thank the authors for sharing their codes.