

<img src="https://griddb.org/brand-resources/griddb-logo/png/color.png" align="center" height="240" alt="GridDB"/>

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GridDB is Database for IoT with both NoSQL interface and SQL Interface.

Please refer to GridDB Features Reference for functionality.

This repository includes server and Java client. And jdbc repository includes JDBC Driver.

Quick start (Using source code)

We have confirmed the operation with Linux(x64).


Build a server and client(Java)

$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ ./configure
$ make

Note: When you use maven build for Java client, please run the following command. Then gridstore-X.X.X.jar file is created on target/.

$ cd java_client
$ ./make_source_for_mvn.sh
$ mvn clean
$ mvn install

Start a server

$ export GS_HOME=$PWD
$ export GS_LOG=$PWD/log
$ export PATH=${PATH}:$GS_HOME/bin

$ bin/gs_passwd admin
  #input your_password
$ vi conf/gs_cluster.json
  #    "clusterName":"your_clustername" #<-- input your_clustername

$ bin/gs_startnode
$ bin/gs_joincluster -c your_clustername -u admin/your_password

Execute a sample program

$ export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$GS_HOME/bin/gridstore.jar
$ mkdir gsSample
$ cp $GS_HOME/docs/sample/program/Sample1.java gsSample/.
$ javac gsSample/Sample1.java
$ java gsSample/Sample1 31999 your_clustername admin your_password
  --> Person:  name=name02 status=false count=2 lob=[65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74]

Stop a server

$ bin/gs_stopcluster -u admin/your_password
$ bin/gs_stopnode -u admin/your_password

Quick start (Using GridDB Service and CLI)

Quick start (Using RPM or DEB)

We have confirmed the operation with Linux(x64).



$ sudo rpm -ivh griddb-X.X.X-linux.x86_64.rpm

$ sudo dpkg -i griddb_X.X.X_amd64.deb

Note: X.X.X is the GridDB version.

Start a server

[gsadm]$ cp /usr/griddb-X.X.X/conf_multicast/* conf/.

Note: Default is only for local connection. So, please change the configure files.

[gsadm]$ gs_passwd admin
  #input your_password
[gsadm]$ vi conf/gs_cluster.json
  #    "clusterName":"your_clustername" #<-- input your_clustername
[gsadm]$ gs_startnode
[gsadm]$ gs_joincluster -c your_clustername -u admin/your_password

Execute a sample program

$ export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:/usr/share/java/gridstore.jar
$ mkdir gsSample
$ cp /usr/griddb-X.X.X/docs/sample/program/Sample1.java gsSample/.
$ javac gsSample/Sample1.java
$ java gsSample/Sample1 31999 your_clustername admin your_password
  --> Person:  name=name02 status=false count=2 lob=[65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74]

Stop a server

[gsadm]$ gs_stopcluster -u admin/your_password
[gsadm]$ gs_stopnode -u admin/your_password

If necessary, please refer to Installation Troubleshooting.


Refer to the file below for more detailed information.

Client and Connector

There are other clients and API for GridDB.

(NoSQL Interface)

(SQL Interface)

(NoSQL & SQL Interface)


There are some connectors for other OSS.




The server source license is GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL), while the Java client library license and the operational commands is Apache License, version 2.0. See 3rd_party/3rd_party.md for the source and license of the third party.