

GridDB Data Source for Grafana


This Plugin is used to get data from GridDB and display as graph or table base on Grafana.

Operating environment

Building of the plugin and execution have been checked in the following environment.


How to installation

  1. Go to $GRAFANA_HOME/data/plugins, create a new folder "GridDB-plugin"
    • Note: This folder is created after run Grafana server the first time.
  2. Copy folder "dist" to folder "GridDB-plugin"
  3. Restart your Grafana server

Note: The folder "dist" includes files created by building with the following method.

Go to source include file package.json and run the command below:

    $ npm install -g yarn
    $ yarn install
    $ yarn build

How to use

Please refer to User Guide.

The summary is as below:

Adding the data source

  1. Open the side menu by clicking the Grafana icon in the top header.
  2. In the side menu under the Configuration link you should find a link named Data Sources
  3. Click the + Add data source button in the top header
  4. Select GridDB from the Type dropdown
  5. Click to Save & Test button to check the connection to datasource. System use basic authentication to authenticate to GridDB server
NameData Source name
HostURL to GridDB WebAPI
ClusterCluster name
UserGridDB user name
PasswordGridDB password


You can use three formats below to create variable;

$griddb_container_listGet all containers
$griddb_column_list({container name})Get all columns of a specific container
$griddb_query_data({container name}, {columns}, {TQL})Get data of a specific container


There are two types: normal annotation and regions annotation.


Please refer to Query special expression.



This Plugin source license is Apache License, version 2.0.