

GridDB Node.JS Client


GridDB Node.JS Client is developed using GridDB C Client and SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator).

Operating environment

Building of the library and execution of the sample programs have been checked in the following environment.

OS: CentOS 7.6(x64) (GCC 4.8.5)
SWIG:  The development (master) version (commit ID 113d78a083aa897ffdca4ff6bd9b42e630d16d27(2020/4/7))
Node.js: v12
GridDB C client: V4.6 CE(Community Edition)
GridDB server: V4.6 CE, CentOS 7.9 (GCC 4.8.5)

OS: Ubuntu 20.04(x64) (gcc 10.2.0)
SWIG:  The development (master) version (commit ID 113d78a083aa897ffdca4ff6bd9b42e630d16d27(2020/4/7))
Node.js: v12
GridDB C client: V4.6 CE(Community Edition)
GridDB server: V4.6 CE, CentOS 7.9 (GCC 4.8.5)

OS: Windows 10(x64) (VS2017)
SWIG:  The development (master) version (commit ID 27f29aef2cf00735172c28d331536d0069b0f1f4(2021/3/2))
Node.js: v12
GridDB C client: V4.6 CE(Community Edition)
GridDB server: V4.6 CE, CentOS 7.9 (GCC 4.8.5)

Note: We can build and run Node.JS Client with SWIG 4.0.2 for Node.js v10.

QuickStart (CentOS, Ubuntu)


Install SWIG:

    sudo make install

Install GridDB Server and C Client. (Note: If you build them from source code, please use GCC 4.8.5.)

Install Node.js(v12).

If required, change INCLUDES_JS path in Makefile.


export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:<C client library file directory path>

Build and Run

1. Execute the command on project directory.

$ npm install nan
$ make

2. Set the NODE_PATH variable for griddb Node.js module files.

$ export NODE_PATH=<installed directory path>

3. Write require("griddb_node") in Node.js.

How to run sample

GridDB Server need to be started in advance.


    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:<C client library file directory path>

2. The command to run sample

    $ node sample/sample1.js <GridDB notification address> <GridDB notification port>
        <GridDB cluster name> <GridDB user> <GridDB password>
      -->[ 'name01', false, 1, <Buffer 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a> ]

QuickStart (Windows)


Install CMake

Install Nuget

Install Bison using the following command:

C:\Tools\nuget install bison-win32 -Version -OutputDirectory C:\Tools\bison

Install PCRE using Nuget using the following command:

C:\Tools\nuget install pcre -Version -OutputDirectory C:\Tools\pcre

Install SWIG as below.

    SET PATH=C:\Tools\bison\bison-win32.\tools\native\bin;%PATH%
    SET PCRE_ROOT=C:\Tools\pcre\pcre.\build\native
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%CD:\=/%/install2" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="/DPCRE_STATIC /MT" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/DPCRE_STATIC /MT"  -DPCRE_INCLUDE_DIR=%PCRE_ROOT%/include -DPCRE_LIBRARY=%PCRE_ROOT%/lib/v110/%PCRE_PLATFORM%/Release/static/utf8/pcre8.lib .
    cmake --build . --config Release

Install Node.js(v12)

Install GridDB Server on CentOS. (Note: If you build them from source code, please use GCC 4.8.5.)

Install GridDB C Client.

    set(C_LIB C:/Users/User/Downloads/griddb_c_lib)

Install Cmake-js

    npm install cmake-js

Build and Run in cmd

  1. Execute the command on project directory.

    $ npm install nan
    $ node .\node_modules\cmake-js\bin\cmake-js compile -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
  2. Set the NODE_PATH variable for griddb Node.js module files.

    $ set NODE_PATH=<installed directory path>
  3. Set PATH variable for C Client library folder.

    $ set PATH=%PATH%;<C Client library folder>
  4. Write require("griddb_node") in Node.js source code.

  5. Copy build file to project directory.

    $ copy build\Release\griddb_client.node .

How to run sample

GridDB Server need to be started in advance.

  1. The command to run sample

    $ node sample/sample1.js <GridDB notification address> <GridDB notification port>
        <GridDB cluster name> <GridDB user> <GridDB password>
        -->[ 'name01', false, 1, <Buffer 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a> ]



(not available)

Please refer to the following files for more detailed information.


  1. The current API might be changed in the next version. e.g. ContainerInfo()
  2. There is Node.JS Client (0.8.4) Package for CentOS and Ubuntu on npm .



GridDB Node.JS Client source license is Apache License, version 2.0.