

Campaign finance for everyone

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) releases information to the public about money that’s raised and spent in federal elections — that’s elections for US President, Senate, and House of Representatives.

Are you interested in seeing how much money a candidate raised? Or spent? How much debt they took on? Who contributed to their campaign? The FEC is the authoritative source for that information.

FEC.gov began a collaboration between 18F and the FEC to make campaign finance information more accessible (and understandable) to all users. The FEC continues to improve the site and add functionality.

FEC repositories

We welcome you to explore, make suggestions, and contribute to our code.

This repository, FEC, is a general discussion forum. We compile feedback from the FEC.gov feedback widget here. This is the best place to submit general feedback.

All repositories

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Copyright and licensing

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and we waive worldwide copyright and related rights through CC0 universal public domain dedication. Read more on our license page.

A few restrictions limit the way you can use FEC data. For example, you can’t use contributor lists for commercial purposes or to solicit donations. Learn more on FEC.gov.