

About this project

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.

This project will provide a web application for filling out FEC campaign finance information. The project code is distributed across these repositories:

The project is hosted on the cloud.gov platform and uses login.gov for authentication.

Set up


Software necessary to run the application locally

A Snyk authentication token is needed and should be set as the SNYK_AUTH_TOKEN environment varialbe. This is needed so that the snyk protect command can be run to apply security patches to package dependencies. You can setup a free account with Snyk and obtain a token on the Snyk Account Settings page.

Running the Front-End locally

From within the front-end directory, run the command: ng serve to start a local server for the application. The front-end can then be accessed through your browser at port 4200.

Running end-to-end (E2E) tests

To run the end-to-end tests locally, cd into the front-end directory and run ng e2e at the command line.

Deployment (FEC team only)

Create a feature branch

Using git-flow extensions: git flow feature start feature_branch

Without the git-flow extensions: git checkout develop git pull git checkout -b feature/feature_branch develop

Create a release branch

git flow release start sprint-#
git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout -b release/sprint-# develop
git push --set-upstream origin release/sprint-#

Create and deploy a hotfix

git flow hotfix start my-fix
# Work happens here
git flow hotfix finish my-fix
git checkout -b hotfix/my-fix main
# Work happens here
git push --set-upstream origin hotfix/my-fix

Deploying a release to production

Technical Environment Plan

The fecfile-web-api is our system's backend while the fecfile-web-app is the single-page angular app. The fecfile-web-api is deployed as a cloud.gov application per environment (dev, stage, test, and prod). Each cloud.gov fecfile-web-api application has at least two instances running. Similarly, the fecfile-web-app is deployed as a cloud.gov application per environment (dev, stage, test, and prod). There are also at least two instances running per cloud.gov fecfile-web-app application.

The following events occur for fecfile-web-api and fecfile-web-app independently of each other:

Additional developer notes

This section covers a few topics we think might help developers after setup.

Git Secrets

Set up git secrets to protect oneself from committing sensitive information such as passwords to the repository.

Commit local code changes to origin daily

As a best practice policy, please commit any feature code changes made during the day to origin each evening before signing off for the day.

Snyk security scanning

A Snyk online account has been set up for FEC to monitor the FECFile Online GitHub repositories. The management of vulnerability alerts will be handled as a weekly rotating task performed by a developer who will log into the Snyk Dashboard and perform the following tasks:

  1. Review the vulnerability reports for each of the FECFile Online GitHub repository.
  2. Write up a ticket (1 for each reported "Critical" or "High" severity vulnerability) to remediate the vulnerability.
  3. Point and mark each ticket with the following tags: "security", "high priority".
  4. Move each new ticket into the current sprint and sprint backlog.
  5. Update weekly assignment log with tickets created or "None".

The weekly assignment log can be found in the Google drive 🔒 here 🔒