

<div align="center"> <img src="static/images/awesome-systematic-trading.jpeg" height=200 alt=""/> <h1>Awesome Systematic Trading</h1> </div> <div align=center><img src="https://awesome.re/badge.svg" /></div>


We are collecting a list of resources papers, softwares, books, articles for finding, developing, and running systematic trading (quantitative trading) strategies.

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Libraries and packages

List of 97 libraries and packages implementing trading bots, backtesters, indicators, pricers, etc. Each library is categorized by its programming language and ordered by descending populatrity (number of stars).

Backtesting and Live Trading

General - Event Driven Frameworks

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
vnpyPython-based open source quantitative trading system development framework, officially released in January 2015, has grown step by step into a full-featured quantitative trading platformGitHub starsmade-with-python
ziplineZipline is a Pythonic algorithmic trading library. It is an event-driven system for backtesting.GitHub starsmade-with-python
backtraderEvent driven Python Backtesting library for trading strategiesGitHub starsmade-with-python
QUANTAXISQUANTAXIS 支持任务调度 分布式部署的 股票/期货/期权/港股/虚拟货币 数据/回测/模拟/交易/可视化/多账户 纯本地量化解决方案GitHub starsmade-with-python
QuantConnectLean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (Python, C#)GitHub starsmade-with-python
RqalphaA extendable, replaceable Python algorithmic backtest && trading framework supporting multiple securitiesGitHub starsmade-with-python
finmarketpyPython library for backtesting trading strategies & analyzing financial markets (formerly pythalesians)GitHub starsmade-with-python
backtesting.pyBacktesting.py is a Python framework for inferring viability of trading strategies on historical (past) data. Improved upon the vision of Backtrader, and by all means surpassingly comparable to other accessible alternatives, Backtesting.py is lightweight, fast, user-friendly, intuitive, interactive, intelligent and, hopefully, future-proof.GitHub starsmade-with-python
zvtModular quant frameworkGitHub starsmade-with-python
WonderTraderWonderTrader——量化研发交易一站式框架GitHub starsmade-with-python
nautilus_traderA high-performance algorithmic trading platform and event-driven backtesterGitHub starsmade-with-python
PandoraTraderHigh-frequency quantitative trading platform based on c++ development, supporting multiple trading APIs and cross-platformGitHub starsmade-with-c++
HFTBacktestHighly precise backtest on HFT data in Python+NumbaGitHub starsmade-with-python
aatAn asynchronous, event-driven framework for writing algorithmic trading strategies in python with optional acceleration in C++. It is designed to be modular and extensible, with support for a wide variety of instruments and strategies, live trading across (and between) multiple exchanges.GitHub starsmade-with-python
sdoosa-algo-trade-pythonThis project is mainly for newbies into algo trading who are interested in learning to code their own trading algo using python interpreter.GitHub starsmade-with-python
lumibotA very simple yet useful backtesting and sample based live trading framework (a bit slow to run...)GitHub starsmade-with-python
quanttraderBacktest and live trading in Python. Event based. Similar to backtesting.py.GitHub starsmade-with-python
gobacktestA Go implementation of event-driven backtesting frameworkGitHub starsmade-with-go
FlashFunkHigh Performance Runtime in RustGitHub starsmade-with-rust

General - Vector Based Frameworks

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
vectorbtvectorbt takes a novel approach to backtesting: it operates entirely on pandas and NumPy objects, and is accelerated by Numba to analyze any data at speed and scale. This allows for testing of many thousands of strategies in seconds.GitHub starsmade-with-python
pysystemtradeSystematic Trading in python from book Systematic Trading by Rob CarverGitHub starsmade-with-python
btFlexible backtesting for Python based on Algo and Strategy TreeGitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
FreqtradeFreqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges and be controlled via Telegram. It contains backtesting, plotting and money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.GitHub starsmade-with-python
JesseJesse is an advanced crypto trading framework which aims to simplify researching and defining trading strategies.GitHub starsmade-with-python
OctoBotCryptocurrency trading bot for TA, arbitrage and social trading with an advanced web interfaceGitHub starsmade-with-python
KelpKelp is a free and open-source trading bot for the Stellar DEX and 100+ centralized exchangesGitHub starsmade-with-go
openlimitsA Rust high performance cryptocurrency trading API with support for multiple exchanges and language wrappers.GitHub starsmade-with-rust
bTraderTriangle arbitrage trading bot for BinanceGitHub starsmade-with-rust
crypto-crawler-rsCrawl orderbook and trade messages from crypto exchangesGitHub starsmade-with-rust
HummingbotA client for crypto market makingGitHub starsmade-with-python
cryptotrader-coreSimple to use Crypto Exchange REST API client in rust.GitHub starsmade-with-rust

Trading bots

Trading bots and alpha models. Some of them are old and not maintained.

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
BlackbirdBlackbird Bitcoin Arbitrage: a long/short market-neutral strategyGitHub starsmade-with-c++
bitcoin-arbitrageBitcoin arbitrage - opportunity detectorGitHub starsmade-with-python
ThetaGangThetaGang is an IBKR bot for collecting moneyGitHub starsmade-with-typescript
czsc缠中说禅技术分析工具;缠论;股票;期货;Quant;量化交易GitHub starsmade-with-python
R2 Bitcoin ArbitragerR2 Bitcoin Arbitrager is an automatic arbitrage trading system powered by Node.js + TypeScriptGitHub starsmade-with-typescript
analyzingalphaImplementation of simple strategiesGitHub starsmade-with-python
PyTrendFollowPyTrendFollow - systematic futures trading using trend followingGitHub starsmade-with-python



Libraries of indicators to predict future price movements.

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
ta-libPerform technical analysis of financial market dataGitHub starsmade-with-python
go-tartA Go implementation of the [ta-lib]((https://github.com/mrjbq7/ta-lib) with streaming update supportGitHub starsmade-with-go
pandas-taPandas Technical Analysis (Pandas TA) is an easy to use library that leverages the Pandas package with more than 130 Indicators and Utility functions and more than 60 TA Lib Candlestick PatternsGitHub starsmade-with-python
fintaCommon financial technical indicators implemented in PandasGitHub starsmade-with-python
ta-rustTechnical analysis library for Rust languageGitHub starsmade-with-rust

Metrics computation

Librairies of financial metrics.

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
quantstatsPortfolio analytics for quants, written in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
ffnA financial function library for PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
PyPortfolioOptFinancial portfolio optimizations in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk ParityGitHub starsmade-with-python
Riskfolio-LibPortfolio Optimization and Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
empyrialEmpyrial is a Python-based open-source quantitative investment library dedicated to financial institutions and retail investors, officially released in March 2021GitHub starsmade-with-python
DeepdowPython package connecting portfolio optimization and deep learning. Its goal is to facilitate research of networks that perform weight allocation in one forward pass.GitHub starsmade-with-python
spectrePortfolio Optimization and Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
tf-quant-financeHigh-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance from GoogleGitHub starsmade-with-python
FinancePyA Python Finance Library that focuses on the pricing and risk-management of Financial Derivatives, including fixed-income, equity, FX and credit derivativesGitHub starsmade-with-python
PyQLPython wrapper of the famous pricing library QuantLibGitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
pyfolioPortfolio and risk analytics in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python

Broker APIs

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
ccxtA JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchangesGitHub starsmade-with-python
Ib_insyncPython sync/async framework for Interactive Brokers.GitHub starsmade-with-python
CoinnectCoinnect is a Rust library aiming to provide a complete access to main crypto currencies exchanges via REST API.GitHub starsmade-with-rust
PENDAXJavascript SDK for Trading, Data, and Websockets for FTX, FTXUS, OKX, Bybit, & More.GitHub starsmade-with-javascript

Data Sources


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
OpenBB TerminalInvestment Research for Everyone, Anywhere.GitHub starsmade-with-python
TuShareTuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocksGitHub starsmade-with-python
yfinanceyfinance offers a threaded and Pythonic way to download market data from Yahoo!Ⓡ finance.GitHub starsmade-with-python
AkShareAKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings!GitHub starsmade-with-python
pandas-datareaderUp to date remote data access for pandas, works for multiple versions of pandas.GitHub starsmade-with-python
QuandlGet millions of financial and economic dataset from hundreds of publishers via a single free API.GitHub starsmade-with-python
findatapyfindatapy creates an easy to use Python API to download market data from many sources including Quandl, Bloomberg, Yahoo, Google etc. using a unified high level interface.GitHub starsmade-with-python
InvestpyFinancial Data Extraction from Investing.com with PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
Fundamental Analysis DataFully-fledged Fundamental Analysis package capable of collecting 20 years of Company Profiles, Financial Statements, Ratios and Stock Data of 20.000+ companies.GitHub starsmade-with-python
WallstreetWallstreet: Real time Stock and Option toolsGitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
CryptofeedCryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler with AsyncioGitHub starsmade-with-python
Gekko-DatasetsGekko trading bot dataset dumps. Download and use history files in SQLite format.GitHub starsmade-with-python
CryptoInscriberA live crypto currency historical trade data blotter. Download live historical trade data from any crypto exchange.GitHub starsmade-with-python
Crypto LakeHigh frequency order book & trade data for cryptoGitHub starsmade-with-python

Data Science

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
TensorFlowFundamental algorithms for scientific computing in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
PytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU accelerationGitHub starsmade-with-python
KerasThe most user friendly Deep Learning for humans in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
Scikit-learnMachine learning in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
PandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much moreGitHub starsmade-with-python
NumpyThe fundamental package for scientific computing with PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
ScipyFundamental algorithms for scientific computing in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
PyMCProbabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with AesaraGitHub starsmade-with-python
CvxpyA Python-embedded modeling language for convex optimization problems.GitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
MarketstoreDataFrame Server for Financial Timeseries DataGitHub starsmade-with-go
TectonicdbTectonicdb is a fast, highly compressed standalone database and streaming protocol for order book ticks.GitHub starsmade-with-rust
ArcticDB (Man Group)High performance datastore for time series and tick dataGitHub starsmade-with-python

Graph Computation

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
RayAn open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications.GitHub starsmade-with-python
DaskParallel computing with task scheduling in Python with a Pandas like APIGitHub starsmade-with-python
Incremental (JaneStreet)Incremental is a library that gives you a way of building complex computations that can update efficiently in response to their inputs changing, inspired by the work of Umut Acar et. al. on self-adjusting computations. Incremental can be useful in a number of applicationsGitHub starsmade-with-ocaml
Man MDFData-flow programming toolkit for PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python
GraphKitA lightweight Python module for creating and running ordered graphs of computations.GitHub starsmade-with-python
TributaryStreaming reactive and dataflow graphs in PythonGitHub starsmade-with-python

Machine Learning

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
QLib (Microsoft)Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. With Qlib, you can easily try your ideas to create better Quant investment strategies. An increasing number of SOTA Quant research works/papers are released in Qlib.GitHub starsmade-with-python
FinRLFinRL is the first open-source framework to demonstrate the great potential of applying deep reinforcement learning in quantitative finance.GitHub starsmade-with-python
MlFinLab (Hudson & Thames)MlFinLab helps portfolio managers and traders who want to leverage the power of machine learning by providing reproducible, interpretable, and easy to use tools.GitHub starsmade-with-python
TradingGymTrading and Backtesting environment for training reinforcement learning agent or simple rule base algo.GitHub starsmade-with-python
Stock Trading Bot using Deep Q-LearningStock Trading Bot using Deep Q-LearningGitHub starsmade-with-python

TimeSeries Analysis

RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
Facebook ProphetTool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.GitHub starsmade-with-python
statsmodelsPython module that allows users to explore data, estimate statistical models, and perform statistical tests.GitHub starsmade-with-python
tsfreshAutomatic extraction of relevant features from time series.GitHub starsmade-with-python
pmdarimaA statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function.GitHub starsmade-with-python


RepositoryDescriptionStarsMade with
D-Tale (Man Group)D-Tale is the combination of a Flask back-end and a React front-end to bring you an easy way to view & analyze Pandas data structures.GitHub starsmade-with-python
mplfinanceFinancial Markets Data Visualization using MatplotlibGitHub starsmade-with-python
btplottingbtplotting provides plotting for backtests, optimization results and live data from backtrader.GitHub starsmade-with-python


List of 696 academic papers describing original systematic trading strategies. Each strategy is categorized by its asset class and ordered by descending Sharpe ratio.

👉 Strategies are now hosted here.

Previous list of strategies:

Bonds, commodities, currencies, equities

TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Time Series Momentum Effect0.57620.5%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Short Term Reversal with Futures-0.0512.3%WeeklyQuantConnectPaper

Bonds, commodities, equities, REITs

TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Asset Class Trend-Following0.50210.4%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum Asset Allocation Strategy0.32111%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper

Bonds, equities

TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Paired Switching0.6919.5%QuarterlyQuantConnectPaper
FED Model0.36914.3%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper

Bonds, equities, REITs

TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Value and Momentum Factors across Asset Classes0.1559.8%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper


TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Skewness Effect in Commodities0.48217.7%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Return Asymmetry Effect in Commodity Futures0.23913.4%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum Effect in Commodities0.1420.3%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Term Structure Effect in Commodities0.12823.1%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Trading WTI/BRENT Spread-0.19911.6%DailyQuantConnectPaper


TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Overnight Seasonality in Bitcoin0.89220.8%IntradayQuantConnectPaper
Rebalancing Premium in Cryptocurrencies0.69827.5%DailyQuantConnectPaper


TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
FX Carry Trade0.2547.8%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Dollar Carry Trade0.1135.8%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Currency Momentum Factor-0.016.7%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Currency Value Factor – PPP Strategy-0.1035%QuarterlyQuantConnectPaper


TitleSharpe RatioVolatilityRebalancingImplementationSource
Asset Growth Effect0.83510.2%YearlyQuantConnectPaper
Short Term Reversal Effect in Stocks0.81621.4%WeeklyQuantConnectPaper
Reversal During Earnings-Announcements0.78525.7%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Size Factor – Small Capitalization Stocks Premium0.74711.1%YearlyQuantConnectPaper
Low Volatility Factor Effect in Stocks0.71711.5%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
How to Use Lexical Density of Company Filings0.68810.4%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Volatility Risk Premium Effect0.63713.2%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Pairs Trading with Stocks0.6348.5%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Crude Oil Predicts Equity Returns0.59911.5%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Betting Against Beta Factor in Stocks0.59418.9%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Trend-following Effect in Stocks0.56915.2%DailyQuantConnectPaper
ESG Factor Momentum Strategy0.55921.8%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Value (Book-to-Market) Factor0.52611.9%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Soccer Clubs’ Stocks Arbitrage0.51514.2%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Synthetic Lending Rates Predict Subsequent Market Return0.49413.7%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Option-Expiration Week Effect0.4525%WeeklyQuantConnectPaper
Dispersion Trading0.4328.1%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum in Mutual Fund Returns0.41413.6%QuarterlyQuantConnectPaper
Sector Momentum – Rotational System0.40114.1%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Combining Smart Factors Momentum and Market Portfolio0.3888.2%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum and Reversal Combined with Volatility Effect in Stocks0.37517%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Market Sentiment and an Overnight Anomaly0.3693.6%DailyQuantConnectPaper
January Barometer0.3657.4%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
R&D Expenditures and Stock Returns0.3548.1%YearlyQuantConnectPaper
Value Factor – CAPE Effect within Countries0.35120.2%YearlyQuantConnectPaper
12 Month Cycle in Cross-Section of Stocks Returns0.3443.7%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Turn of the Month in Equity Indexes0.3057.2%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Payday Anomaly0.2693.8%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Pairs Trading with Country ETFs0.2575.7%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Residual Momentum Factor0.249.7%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Earnings Announcement Premium0.1923.7%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
ROA Effect within Stocks0.1558.7%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
52-Weeks High Effect in Stocks0.15319%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Combining Fundamental FSCORE and Equity Short-Term Reversals0.15317.6%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Betting Against Beta Factor in International Equities0.1429.1%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Consistent Momentum Strategy0.12828.8%6 MonthsQuantConnectPaper
Short Interest Effect – Long-Short Version0.0796.6%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum Factor Combined with Asset Growth Effect0.05825.1%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum Factor Effect in Stocks-0.00821.8%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Momentum Factor and Style Rotation Effect-0.05610%MonthlyQuantConnectPaper
Earnings Announcements Combined with Stock Repurchases-0.160.1%DailyQuantConnectPaper
Earnings Quality Factor-0.1828.7%YearlyQuantConnectPaper
Accrual Anomaly-0.27213.7%YearlyQuantConnectPaper
ESG, Price Momentum and Stochastic OptimizationN/AN/AMonthlyPaper
The Positive Similarity of Company Filings and Stock ReturnsN/AN/AMonthlyPaper


A comprehensive list of 55 books for quantitative traders.


A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market: Everything You Need to Start Making Money Today - Matthew R. Kratter
How to Day Trade for a Living: A Beginner’s Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics, Money Management, Discipline and Trading Psychology - Andrew Aziz
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns - John C. Bogle
Investing QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Successfully Navigating the Stock Market, Growing Your Wealth & Creating a Secure Financial Future - Ted D. Snow
Day Trading QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Winning Trade Plans, Conquering the Markets, and Becoming a Successful Day Trader - Troy Noonan
Introduction To Algo Trading: How Retail Traders Can Successfully Compete With Professional Traders - Kevin J Davey
Algorithmic Trading and DMA: An introduction to direct access trading strategies - Barry Johnson


My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance - Emanuel Derman
How I Became a Quant: Insights from 25 of Wall Street’s Elite: - Barry Schachter


Python for Finance: Mastering Data-Driven Finance - Yves Hilpisch
Trading Evolved: Anyone can Build Killer Trading Strategies in Python - Andreas F. Clenow
Python for Algorithmic Trading: From Idea to Cloud Deployment - Yves Hilpisch
Algorithmic Trading with Python: Quantitative Methods and Strategy Development - Chris Conlan
Learn Algorithmic Trading: Build and deploy algorithmic trading systems and strategies using Python and advanced data analysis - Sebastien Donadio


The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking - Saifedean Ammous
Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption - Ben Mezrich
Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain - Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Why Buy Bitcoin: Investing Today in the Money of Tomorrow - Andy Edstrom


The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing - Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig
How I Invest My Money: Finance experts reveal how they save, spend, and invest - Joshua Brown, Brian Portnoy
Naked Forex: High-Probability Techniques for Trading Without Indicators - Alex Nekritin
The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio - William J. Bernstein
Option Volatility and Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques, 2nd Edition - Sheldon Natenberg
The Art and Science of Technical Analysis: Market Structure, Price Action, and Trading Strategies - Adam Grimes
The New Trading for a Living: Psychology, Discipline, Trading Tools and Systems, Risk Control, Trade Management (Wiley Trading) - Alexander Elder
Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems: A Trader’s Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Trading (Wiley Trading) - Kevin J Davey
Systematic Trading: A unique new method for designing trading and investing systems - Robert Carver
Quantitative Momentum: A Practitioner’s Guide to Building a Momentum-Based Stock Selection System (Wiley Finance) - Wesley R. Gray, Jack R. Vogel
Algorithmic Trading: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale - Ernest P. Chan
Leveraged Trading: A professional approach to trading FX, stocks on margin, CFDs, spread bets and futures for all traders - Robert Carver
Trading Systems: A New Approach to System Development and Portfolio Optimisation - Emilio Tomasini, Urban Jaekle
Trading and Exchanges: Market Microstructure for Practitioners - Larry Harris
Trading Systems 2nd edition: A new approach to system development and portfolio optimisation - Emilio Tomasini, Urban Jaekle
Machine Trading: Deploying Computer Algorithms to Conquer the Markets - Ernest P. Chan
Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management: An Active Approach to Portfolio Construction and Management (McGraw-Hill Library of Investment and Finance) - Ludwig B Chincarini, Daehwan Kim
Active Portfolio Management: A Quantitative Approach for Producing Superior Returns and Controlling Risk - Richard Grinold, Ronald Kahn
Quantitative Technical Analysis: An integrated approach to trading system development and trading management - Dr Howard B Bandy
Advances in Active Portfolio Management: New Developments in Quantitative Investing - Richard Grinold, Ronald Kahn
Professional Automated Trading: Theory and Practice - Eugene A. Durenard
Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series) - Raja Velu, Maxence Hardy, Daniel Nehren
Quantitative Trading: Algorithms, Analytics, Data, Models, Optimization - Xin Guo, Tze Leung Lai, Howard Shek, Samuel Po-Shing Wong

High Frequency Trading

Inside the Black Box: A Simple Guide to Quantitative and High Frequency Trading - Rishi K. Narang
Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading (Mathematics, Finance and Risk) - Álvaro Cartea, Sebastian Jaimungal, José Penalva
The Problem of HFT – Collected Writings on High Frequency Trading & Stock Market Structure Reform - Haim Bodek
An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance - Ramazan Gençay, Michel Dacorogna, Ulrich A. Muller, Olivier Pictet, Richard Olsen
Market Microstructure in Practice - Charles-Albert Lehalle, Sophie Laruelle
The Financial Mathematics of Market Liquidity - Olivier Gueant
High-Frequency Trading - Maureen O’Hara, David Easley, Marcos M López de Prado

Machine Learning

Dark Pools: The rise of A.I. trading machines and the looming threat to Wall Street - Scott Patterson
Advances in Financial Machine Learning - Marcos Lopez de Prado
Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading: Predictive models to extract signals from market and alternative data for systematic trading strategies with Python, 2nd Edition - Stefan Jansen
Machine Learning for Asset Managers (Elements in Quantitative Finance) - Marcos M López de Prado
Machine Learning in Finance: From Theory to Practice - Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin, Paul Bilokon
Artificial Intelligence in Finance: A Python-Based Guide - Yves Hilpisch
Algorithmic Trading Methods: Applications Using Advanced Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Techniques - Robert Kissell


Krish Naik - Machine learning tutorials and their Application in Stock Prediction
QuantInsti Youtube - webinars about Machine Learning for trading
Siraj Raval - Videos about stock market prediction using Deep Learning
Quantopian - Webinars about Machine Learning for trading
Sentdex - Machine Learning for Forex and Stock analysis and algorithmic trading
QuantNews - Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading 3 part series
Sentdex - Python programming for Finance (a few videos including Machine Learning)
Chat with Traders EP042 - Machine learning for algorithmic trading with Bert Mouler
Tucker Balch - Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to Trading
Ernie Chan - Machine Learning for Quantitative Trading Webinar
Chat with Traders EP147 - Detective work leading to viable trading strategies with Tom Starke
Chat with Traders EP142 - Algo trader using automation to bypass human flaws with Bert Mouler
Master Thesis presentation, Uni of Essex - Analyzing the Limit Order Book, A Deep Learning Approach
Howard Bandy - Machine Learning Trading System Development Webinar
Chat With Traders EP131 - Trading strategies, powered by machine learning with Morgan Slade
Chat with Traders Quantopian 5 - Good Uses of Machine Learning in Finance with Max Margenot
Hitoshi Harada, CTO at Alpaca - Deep Learning in Finance Talk
Better System Trader EP028 - David Aronson shares research into indicators that identify Bull and Bear markets.
Prediction Machines - Deep Learning with Python in Finance Talk
Better System Trader EP064 - Cryptocurrencies and Machine Learning with Bert Mouler
Better System Trader EP023 - Portfolio manager Michael Himmel talks AI and machine learning in trading
Better System Trader EP082 - Machine Learning With Kris Longmore


AAA Quants, Tom Starke Blog
AI & Systematic Trading
Blackarbs blog
Hardikp, Hardik Patel blog
Max Dama on Automated Trading
Medallion.Club on Systematic Trading (FR)
Proof Engineering: The Algorithmic Trading Platform
Quantsportal, Jacques Joubert's Blog
Quantstart - Machine Learning for Trading articles
RobotWealth, Kris Longmore Blog


AI in Finance
AI & Systematic Trading
Algorithmic Trading for Cryptocurrencies in Python
Coursera, NYU - Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance
Coursera, NYU - Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance
Coursera, NYU - Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Coursera, NYU - Overview of Advanced Methods for Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Hudson and Thames Quantitative Research
NYU: Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance
Udacity: Artificial Intelligence for Trading
Udacity, Georgia Tech - Machine Learning for Trading