

Compactyl - A Compact Dactyl ManuForm Ergo Keyboard

This is a fork of the okke fork of the l4u fork of the tshort fork of the Dactyl, a parameterized, split-hand, concave, columnar, ergonomic keyboard.

Future TODOs

V6.0 (IN PROGRESS) Features

V5.0 Features

V4.1 Features

V4.0 Features

V3.1 Features

V3.0 Features

<!-- ![Compactyl V3 back](images/compactyl-V3-exploded.png) -->

V2.1 Features

V2.0 Features

V1.0 Features

Compactyl v1.0 assembly Kailh Box White Sound Test

Update USB holder


BOM - Bill of Materials

Tools & Supplies Full amazon wish list of equipment

Comparison with original Tightyl

Generate OpenSCAD and STL models

Setting up the Clojure environment

Generating a Design

Batch (parallel) Processing



Copyright © 2015-2022 Matthew Adereth, Tom Short, Leo Lou, Okke Formsma, Derek Nheiley

The source code for generating the models is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

The generated models are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).