

This is the implementation of "Beating Backdoor Attack at Its Own Game" (ICCV-23). [arXiv]

The defense framework injects a non-adversarial backdoor to suppress the effectiveness of backdoor attack.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Demonstration

Run the following command for a quick demonstration.

bash quick_demo.sh badnets

We provide demonstrations for "badnets" and "blend" attack. The script generates a poisoned dataset saved under datasets/cifar10/, and train a model with NAB on it. Detected samples and pseudo labels can be found in isolation/ and pseudo_label/, respectively.

Steps to Implement NAB

1. Data Preprocessing

All datasets should be organized as a dictionary saved under ./CIFAR10/${attack}/:

{"data": FloatTensor, "labels": LongTensor, "true_labels": LongTensor, "backdoor": BoolTensor, "target": int}

You can obtain a formatted CIFAR-10 dataset with scripts/create_cifar10.sh and poison it with scripts/poison.py:

bash scripts/create_cifar10.sh
python scripts/poison.py \
    --data cifar10 --attack badnets \
    --ratio 0.1 --target 0

2. Backdoor Detection

We provide the implementation of LGA here:

python backdoor_detection_lga.py --attack badnets10

The results are stored under isolation/. You can also replace LGA with other methods:

3. Pseudo Label

We provide the implementation of VD:

python scripts/create_clean_lite.py
python pseudo_label_vd.py --attack badnets10

If you also experiment with a defense method using self-supervised learning like DBD, we recommend Nearest-Center (NC) in our paper for higher pseudo label quality.

4. Train with NAB

NAB is a data preprocessing framework. To avoid extra storage overhead, we provide a on-the-fly implemetation where detected samples are processed during each training update.

python train_nab.py \
    --attack badnets10 \
    --isolation ${detection_results} \
    --pseudo-label ${pseudo_labels}

5. Test Data Filtering

You can augment NAB with a simple test data filtering technique:

python evaluate_filter.py \
    --attack badnets10 --checkpoint ${checkpoint}

Training Process Visualization

NAB with LGA and NC under BadNets attack.



Please consider citing our paper if your find our research or this codebase helpful:

  title={Beating Backdoor Attack at Its Own Game},
  author={Liu, Min and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto and Yue, Xiangyu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},