


This a Pytorch implementation of our paper "Backdoor Defense via Decoupling the Training Process".

Table of Contents:



We recommend conda as the package manager to setup the environment used in our experiments. Create the environment dbd from the environment.yml file and activate it:

conda env create -f environment.yml && conda activate dbd


Download CIFAR-10 dataset from its official website and extract it to dataset_dir specified in the YAML configuration files.

Note: Make sure dataset_dir contains the sub-string cifar.

Log and checkpoint directories

Create saved_dir and storage_dir specified in the YAML configuration files to save logs and checkpoints respectively:

mkdir saved_data && mkdir storage


We give examples to compare the standard supervised training (No Defense) and DBD on CIFAR-10 dataset under BadNets attack with ResNet-18. Other settings can also be found in the YAML configuration files. Please have an overview before running the codes.

No Defense

Run the following script to train a backdoored model:

python supervise.py --config config/supervise/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
                    --resume False \
                    --gpu 0


  1. Self-Supervised Learning

    Run the following script to train a purified feature extractor:

    python simclr.py --config config/defense/simclr/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
                     --resume False \
                     --gpu 0
  2. Semi-Supervised Fine-tuning

    Run the following script to finetune a clean model:

    python mixmatch_finetune.py --config config/defense/mixmatch_finetune/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
                                --resume False \
                                --gpu 0

Pretrained Models

We provide pretrained models here.


Run the following script to test No Defense under BadNets attack:

python test.py --config config/supervise/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
               --ckpt-dir checkpoint/supervise/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example \
               --resume latest_model.pt \
               --gpu 0

Run the following script to test DBD under BadNets attack:

python test.py --config config/supervise/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
               --ckpt-dir checkpoint/defense/mixmatch_finetune/badnets/cifar10_resnet18/example \
               --resume latest_model.pt \
               --gpu 0

Run the following script to test No Defense under Blended attack:

python test.py --config config/supervise/blend/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
               --ckpt-dir checkpoint/supervise/blend/cifar10_resnet18/example \
               --resume latest_model.pt \
               --gpu 0

Run the following script to test DBD under Blended attack:

python test.py --config config/supervise/blend/cifar10_resnet18/example.yaml \
               --ckpt-dir checkpoint/defense/mixmatch_finetune/blend/cifar10_resnet18/example \
               --resume latest_model.pt \
               --gpu 0


MethodBadNets BA (%)BadNets ASR (%)Blended BA (%)Blended ASR (%)
No Defense95.1310094.2698.15


Our codes is released under GNU General Public License v3.0.


If our work or this repo is useful for your research, please cite our paper as follows:

  title={Backdoor Defense via Decoupling the Training Process},
  author={Kunzhe Huang, Yiming Li, Baoyuan Wu, Zhan Qin and Kui Ren},