

Discover and install useful RStudio addins

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Created by Dean Attali

RStudio addins were released in early 2016 to provide anyone with the ability to add "extensions" to RStudio. This feature has quickly become popular, but discoverability was a problem: there's just no easy way to know what addins exist.

The addinslist package solves that problem in two ways:

Addins menu

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<h2 id="addinslist-table">List of addins</h2>

If you made a useful RStudio addin, feel free to make a pull request on GitHub to add it to the list.

NameDescriptionPackageOn CRAN?AuthorMore linksNotes
Add Crossref CitationsAdd a new bibliography entry through Crossref DOIrcrossref:white_check_mark:Hao ZhuScreenshoot
Add GIFsSearch GIFs through Giphy API and use them in Rmarkdown documentsgiphyr:white_check_mark:Hao ZhuScreenshot
Addin ManagerInstall and remove addinsaddinmanager:x:Colin GillespieBlog post
addinitInitialize an 'RStudio' Projectaddinit:x:dreamRs
Align AssignAlign the assignment operators within a highlighted areaAlignAssign:x:Luke SmithDemo gif
ARIMA PickerInteractively pick ARIMA parametersarimaUI:x:Yves crutainBlog post
asis chunkInsert code chunk calling asis engineasischunk:x:Enrico Manlapig
Assign default valuesSet function arguments in selection to their default valuesjadd:x:Jenny BryanDemo GIF
assignparamsEvaluate function parameter in global environmentassignparams:x:Peter MeissnerDemoVideo
beautifyRFormat RMarkdown tables beautifullybeautifyR:x:Matthias WeigandDemo GIF
blogsnipInsert Rmd code snippets, especially for {blogdown}blogsnip:x:Matt DrayDemo GIF
Browse RStudio addinsBrowse and install RStudio addinsaddinslist:white_check_mark:Dean AttaliScreenshot
Build bounding boxesDraw spatial bounding boxes in a leaflet interfacebbb:x:Abasi Latcham
carboncopyInsert .Last.value as a datestamped commentcarboncopy:x:Desi QuintansDemo GIF
Case converterConvert text cases to lower, upper, snake, camel casescaseconverter:x:strboulDemo GIF
Code gripReshape R code from long to wide and vice versacodegrip:x:Lionel HenryDemo GIF
Colour pickerLets you easily select colourscolourpicker:white_check_mark:Dean AttaliScreenshot, Demo video
compareAreasCompare areas across square meters, kilometers, feet, miles, and acrescompareAreas:x:David Ranzolin
compareWithEnhanced diff and merge tools for RStudiocompareWith:x:Mirai SolutionsBlog post
Convert slashReverse slashes (eg in file paths)snippetsaddin:x:Juraj SofrankoClipboard is Windows only
Convert Variable typeConvert variables' type into either factor, character or numeric in a data framecommonUtilAddins:x:sarupurisailalith
Copy Frame to ClipboardCopy a data.frame to the clipboardcopydat:x:Bay Area Air Quality Management DistrictDoesn't work on Windows
Copy valueCopy data to clipboard (arrays, data frames, matrices, tables, vectors)snippetsaddin:x:Juraj SofrankoWindows only
CRANsearcherRStudio addin to search CRAN packages titles and descriptionsCRANsearcher:white_check_mark:Rho Inc
datapastaKeyboard shortcuts for pasting clipboard data as nicely formatted R vectors/tibbles.datapasta:white_check_mark:Miles McBainDemo Gif
datasets.loadLoading datasets from all installed packagesdatasets.load:white_check_mark:Bastiaan QuastDemo Gif
Document ThisAuto-generate Roxygen skeletons for functions and datadocthis:x:Matthew Lincoln
Enhanced ViewEnhanced data viewer, allows column selection and filteringviewenhance:x:Kieran Martin
ermojiSearch and Copy Emojiermoji:x:Garrick Aden-BuieScreenshots
Escape stringsConvert non-ASCII strings to a portable formatuniscape:x:Mikko KorpelaScreenshot
esquisseMake plots with ggplot2esquisse:white_check_mark:dreamRs
Explode a call with boom()Print the Output of Intermediate Steps of a Callboomer:x:Antoine Fabri
extraInsertsInsert various (pipe) operatorsextraInserts:x:Konrad Zdeb
get_fn_argsReads highlighted default values into console, translating commas to semi colonsgetfunctionargs:x:Kieran Martin
ggeditReproducible layer, scale and theme editing for ggplot2ggedit:white_check_mark:Jonathan SidiYoutube Clip
ggplot Theme AssistCustomize your ggplot themeggThemeAssist:white_check_mark:Calli GrossDemo GIF
ggplot2 Marginal PlotsAdd marginal plots to ggplot2ggExtra:white_check_mark:Dean AttaliScreenshot
gitgadgetVersion Control and Assignment Management using Gitgitgadget:white_check_mark:Vincent Nijs
Google API AuthAuthenticate with Google APIsgoogleAuthR:white_check_mark:Mark Edmondson
Gotta Read 'Em AllRStudio Add-In to interactively read ALL the data into RGREA:x:Stanislaus Stadlmann
Hist Add-InInteractively create histograms with ggplot2 and obtain the R Codelimoaddin:x:Stanislaus Stadlmann
imagecliprCopy and paste images from clipboard to Rmarkdown .Rmd filesimageclipr:x:Tonio Liebrand
Input LaTeX MathInput math expressions via the MathQuill librarybookdown:white_check_mark:RStudio
Insert %>%Insert pipe + reformat surroundingsnippetsaddin:x:Juraj Sofranko
Insert citationsSearch a BibTeX-file and insert formatted Markdown citationscitr:white_check_mark:Frederik AustDemo gif
Insert IPA symbolsInsert IPA phonetic symbols in R Markdown by searching their phonetic features in a shiny gadgetlinguisticsdown:white_check_mark:Yongfu LiaoPkg Website
insertImageInsert image into R Markdown with file chooser. Copy image file to project.insertImage:x:Ludvig R Olsen
inserttableRStudio add-in facilitating insertion of nicely formatted tables in R markdown documents or plain R scripts.inserttable:x:Lorenzo BusettoBlog Post
jagsAddInRStudio add-in to create template code for running jags from R.jagsAddIn:x:Nathan GreenDemo gif
Keyboard shortcuts for str,plot etcExamine selected objects; open function source code on githubrskey:white_check_mark:Berry Boessenkool Can set keyboard shortcuts on disc with rskey::setKeyboardBindings()
Lattice PlottingInteractively build plots using the lattice systemaddinplots:x:
Levels orderingInteractively generate code to reorder factor levelsquestionr:white_check_mark:Julien BarnierDemo video
Levels recodingInteractively generate code to edit factor levelsquestionr:white_check_mark:Julien BarnierDemo video
littleboxesEasily add a boxed title in R scriptslittleboxes:x:thinkr
makeOxygenSelf-populating roxygen2 skeletonssinew:white_check_mark:Jonathan Sidi
mapedit.addinCreate and save spatial data in GUImapedit.addin:x:Matt Johnsonsaves to .GlobalEnv and/or disk
Merge data framesPerform Inner, left, Right and Full Joins and create a new data framecommonUtilAddins:x:sarupurisailalith
mischelpermicrobenchmark, profvis selected code, remove unneeded hard line breaks, flip windows path separatormischelper:x:dracodoc
mufflrKeyboard shortcuts for quieter and speedier pipelinesmufflr:x:Miles McBainDemo Gif
namebrowserBrowse or search all installed packages for function names, insert library(pkg) or pkg:: prefixnamebrowser:x:dracodoc
objectremoverRemove objects from the Global environment based on text patterns and object typeobjectremover:white_check_mark:Alan YeungDemo gif
Path To ClipboardCopy the active document's absolute path to clipboard.pathToClip:x:Dominic ComtoisDemo Gif
permaTooling to create and manipulate github perma-linksperma:x:Joe DespresDemo Gif
Plot Colour HelperInteractively pick colours to use in your plotcolourpicker:white_check_mark:Dean AttaliScreenshot, Demo video
prefixerPrefix function with their namespaceprefixer:x:dreamRs
Preview R-markdown BookRun bookdown's serve_book() to live preview a bookbookdown:white_check_mark:RStudio
QRAGadgetA Shiny Gadget for Interactive QRA VisualizationsQRAGadget:white_check_mark:Paul GovanScreenshot
quartostampInsert pre-written divs and classes into your Quarto documents.quartostamp:x:Matt DrayWebsite
quickviewQuickly inspect your data in a View tab of RStudioquickview:x:Francois KeckDemo gif
r6methodsGenerate methods for R6 classesr6methods:white_check_mark:Jakub Sobolewski
radiantA Shiny interface for business analytics in Rradiant:x:Vincent NijsDocumentation
radiant.dataA Shiny interface to visualize, summarize, transform, and combine dataradiant.data:x:Vincent NijsDocumentation
rdoxygenCreate doxygen documentation for source coderdoxygen:white_check_mark:Clemens Schmid
RegExplainInteractive regular expression utility beltregexplain:x:Garrick Aden-BuieDemo gifs
remedyRStudio Addins to Simplify Markdown Writingremedy:white_check_mark:ThinkRHow it works
Render Rmd in ConsoleRender an R Markdown document in the global environmentRStudioConsoleRender:x:Jeff JohnstonBlog post
Rmd or Blogdown post Image PasteUse 'ctrl+v' to paste images into a blogdown post or Rmd filesRmdImgPaste:x:zhangzhenhao
rpivotGadgetAdd-in wrapper around the rpivotTable HTML widgetrpivotGadget:x:Dean Kilfoyle
rsamManage installed RStudio addins keyboard shortcuts and IDE dropdown listrsam:x:Jonathan SidiYouTubeWrites to Disk
Schedule R scripts on Linux/UnixUse cron to schedule your R scripts (Linux/Unix)cronR:white_check_mark:jwijffels
Schedule R scripts on WindowsUse Windows task scheduler to schedule your R scripts (Windows)taskscheduleR:white_check_mark:jwijffelsScreenshot
scribblrOpen scribblr note editor for taking project-related notes in RStudioscribblr:x:Valerio Gherardi
SeaClassAn interactive R GUI for classification problemsSeaClass:x:Chris DienesScreenshots
Search CRAN packagesSearch and explore CRAN packagespkgsearch:white_check_mark:R-hubPkg Website
shinyExamsRStudio addin to create exercisesshinyExams:x:Demo GIF
ShinyQuickStarterBuild Shiny Apps per Drag & DropShinyQuickStarter:white_check_mark:Leon Binder
Snake caserConvert a character string to snake_casesnakecaser:x:Ben Marwick
snorkelInsert {roxygen2} formatting to your function documentation.snorkel:x:Matt DrayWebsite
sortLinesSort selected lines in the editor with a number-smart algorithm.sortLines:x:Dominic ComtoisDemo Gif
splitChunkSplit code chunk in R MarkdownsplitChunk:x:Ludvig R Olsen
straddinPeek at objects with a keystroke.straddin:x:Facundo Munoz
strcodeInsert code block separators and section titlesstrcode:x:Lorenz WalthertDemo GIF
stylerRStudio Addin to provide non-invasive pretty-printing of R source code while adhering to the tidyverse formatting rules.styler:white_check_mark:R infrastructureDemo gif
testthisUtility functions and Rstudio addins to make using the testthat package even more funtestthis:white_check_mark:
Tidy DataInteractively build tidyr function call (gather)tidyshiny:x:Mango Solutions
TODOrFinds all TODO, FIXME, CHANGED etc. comments in your project and shows them as markers.todor:white_check_mark:Dominik Krzeminski
tsvizEasy and interactive time series visualizationtsviz:white_check_mark:xtreamBlog post
typeStringsGadgetType strings unencumberedtypeStringsGadget:x:David Ranzolin
unnestIfElseQuickly and roughly convert nested ifelse() statements to dplyr::case_when()unnestIfElse:x:Eric LeungDemo Gif
upnews GitHub pkgsDisplay news and update outdated github R packagesupnews:x:Aurelien GinolhacDemo gif
Variable cuttingInteractively generate cut() codequestionr:white_check_mark:Julien BarnierDemo video
ViewPipeStepsCreate View Tabs of Each Piped StepViewPipeSteps:x:David RanzolinDemo gif
viewxlOpen data.frame(s) in Excelviewxl:x:dreamRs
wellspell.addinQuick spellcheck with hunspellwellspell.addin:x:Clemens Schmid
Word count add-inCount non-code words in Rmd documentswordcountaddin:x:Ben Marwick
Wrap RmdWrap selected R Markdown text but don't insert lines breaks into inline R codeWrapRmd:x:TJ Mahr
hippieHippie Code Completion in RStudiohippie:white_check_mark:Chris BakerDemo gif