

<p align="center"> <img width="500" src="man/figures/logo.jpg" alt="Hippie Code Completion" /> </p>
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<img src="man/figures/overview.gif" width="50%" align="right" />

An RStudio addin for Hippie Code Completion


Hippie's a completion engine that looks in your active source file for words to suggest. This differs from traditional completion in RStudio, which is more focused on using the R execution environment for identifying suggestions. Using both completion methods allows you to supercharge your RStudio experience.

<h2> <a name="why"></a> Why Hippie? </h2> <p align="center"> <img src="man/figures/speed.gif" width="60%"/> </p> <ul> <p> Even in larger files, you usually only need to type one or two characters before invoking the Hippie shortcut, and the first suggestion will be the one you want. </p> </ul> <p align="center"> <img src="man/figures/inside-r.gif" width="60%"/> </p> <ul> <p> Hippie also extends to all file types, including text files, markdown, config files, etc. You can even get completions in the text sections of RMarkdown docs. </p> </ul> <p align="center"> <img src="man/figures/rmarkdown.gif" width="60%"/> </p>


<p align="center"> <img src="man/figures/rstudio-shortcut.png" width="70%" /> </p> <ul> </ul> <h2> <a name="credits"></a> Thanks to </h2> <h2> <a name="learning"></a> Learning more </h2>