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codegrip provides RStudio addins and Emacs commands for reshaping R code and navigating across syntactic constructs.


addin_reshape lets you cycle between different shapes of function calls. For instance, reshaping transforms code from wide to long shape and vice versa.

<img src="man/figures/README/reshape-call.svg"/>

Note that for function definitions, addin_reshape cycles through two different long shapes. The traditional L form uses more horizontal space whereas the flat form uses less horizontal space and the arguments are always aligned at single indent:

<img src="man/figures/README/reshape-def.svg"/>


There are currently two motions implemented in codegrip: outwards and inwards.

<img src="man/figures/README/move.svg"/>

These motions are handy for quick navigation across to quickly jump from a function argument to the corresponding function call. From there, you can reshape the whole call using addin_reshape.

<img src="man/figures/README/move-reshape.svg"/>


The package is not yet on CRAN but you can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Suggested keybindings:

Not yet implemented:

Using in Visual Studio Code

addin_reshape is available for keybinding in VS Code. See here for instructions on enabling general addin support.

Once addins are enabled, add the following to keybindings.json:

  "key": "Alt+tab",
  "command": "r.runCommand",
  "description": "Reshape expressions longer or wider",
  "when": "editorTextFocus",
  "args": "codegrip::addin_reshape()"



codegrip currently uses the R parser to figure out the structure of your code. Because of this, it doesn't work with malformed or partially written code. Your whole file must be valid R code for codegrip commands to work.