

<p align="center"> <h3 align="center"><strong>MeshAnything V2:<br> Artist-Created Mesh Generation<br>With Adjacent Mesh Tokenization</strong></h3> <p align="center"> <a href="https://buaacyw.github.io/">Yiwen Chen</a><sup>1,2</sup>, <a href="https://yikaiw.github.io/">Yikai Wang</a><sup>3</sup><span class="note">*</span>, <a href="https://github.com/Luo-Yihao">Yihao Luo</a><sup>4</sup>, <a href="https://thuwzy.github.io/">Zhengyi Wang</a><sup>2,3</sup>, <br> <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2pbka1gAAAAJ&hl=en">Zilong Chen</a><sup>2,3</sup>, <a href="https://ml.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~jun/index.shtml">Jun Zhu</a><sup>2,3</sup>, <a href="https://icoz69.github.io/">Chi Zhang</a><sup>5</sup><span class="note">*</span>, <a href="https://guosheng.github.io/">Guosheng Lin</a><sup>1</sup><span class="note">*</span> <br> <sup>*</sup>Corresponding authors. <br> <sup>1</sup>S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University, <sup>2</sup>Shengshu, <br> <sup>3</sup>Tsinghua University, <sup>4</sup>Imperial College London, <sup>5</sup>Westlake University </p> <div align="center">

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</div> <p align="center"> <img src="demo/demo_video.gif" alt="Demo GIF" width="512px" /> </p>



Our environment has been tested on Ubuntu 22, CUDA 11.8 with A800.

  1. Clone our repo and create conda environment
git clone https://github.com/buaacyw/MeshAnythingV2.git && cd MeshAnythingV2
conda create -n MeshAnythingV2 python==3.10.13 -y
conda activate MeshAnythingV2
pip install torch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
pip install -U gradio


Implementation of Adjacent Mesh Tokenization and Detokenization

# We release our adjacent mesh tokenization implementation in adjacent_mesh_tokenization.py.
# For detokenization please check the function adjacent_detokenize in MeshAnything/models/meshanything_v2.py
python adjacent_mesh_tokenization.py

For text/image to Artist-Create Mesh. We suggest using Rodin to first achieve text or image to dense mesh. And then input the dense mesh to us.

# Put the output obj file of Rodin to rodin_result and using the following command to generate the Artist-Created Mesh.
# We suggest using the --mc flag to preprocess the input mesh with Marching Cubes first. This helps us to align the inference point cloud to our training domain.
python main.py --input_dir rodin_result --out_dir mesh_output --input_type mesh --mc

Mesh Command line inference

Important Notes: If your mesh input is not produced by Marching Cubes, We suggest you to preprocess the mesh with Marching Cubes first (simply by adding --mc).

# folder input
python main.py --input_dir examples --out_dir mesh_output --input_type mesh

# single file input
python main.py --input_path examples/wand.obj --out_dir mesh_output --input_type mesh

# Preprocess with Marching Cubes first
python main.py --input_dir examples --out_dir mesh_output --input_type mesh --mc

# The mc resolution is default to be 128. For some delicate mesh, this resolution is not sufficient. Raise this resolution takes more time to preprocess but should achieve a better result.
# Change it by : --mc_level 7 -> 128 (2^7), --mc_level 8 -> 256 (2^8).
# 256 resolution Marching Cube example.
python main.py --input_dir examples --out_dir mesh_output --input_type mesh --mc --mc_level 8

Point Cloud Command line inference

# Note: if you want to use your own point cloud, please make sure the normal is included.
# The file format should be a .npy file with shape (N, 6), where N is the number of points. The first 3 columns are the coordinates, and the last 3 columns are the normal.

# inference for folder
python main.py --input_dir pc_examples --out_dir pc_output --input_type pc_normal

# inference for single file
python main.py --input_path pc_examples/grenade.npy --out_dir pc_output --input_type pc_normal

Local Gradio Demo <a href='https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio'><img src='https://img.shields.io/github/stars/gradio-app/gradio'></a>

python app.py

Important Notes


Our code is based on these wonderful repos:


      title={MeshAnything V2: Artist-Created Mesh Generation With Adjacent Mesh Tokenization}, 
      author={Yiwen Chen and Yikai Wang and Yihao Luo and Zhengyi Wang and Zilong Chen and Jun Zhu and Chi Zhang and Guosheng Lin},