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Install EOS ETL:

pip install eos-etl

Export blocks, transactions and actions (Schema, Reference):

> eosetl export_blocks --start-block 1 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri http://api.main.alohaeos.com \
--blocks-output blocks.json --transactions-output transactions.json --actions-output actions.json

Stream blockchain data continually to console:

> pip install eos-etl[streaming]
> eosetl stream -p http://api.main.alohaeos.com --start-block 500000

For the latest version, check out the repo and call

> pip install -e .[streaming] 
> python eosetl.py

Table of Contents


Exporting the Blockchain

  1. Install python 3.6.0+ https://www.python.org/downloads/

  2. Install EOS node or get access to EOS node maintained by someone else (because running your own node is not so easy). Some docs:

  1. Make sure it downloaded the blocks that you need by executing in the terminal:
curl --request POST \
  --url https://localhost:8080/v1/chain/get_info \
  --header 'accept: application/json'

You can export blocks below last_irreversible_block_num, there is no need to wait until the full sync

  1. Install EOS ETL:

    > pip install eos-etl
  2. Export blocks, transactions and actions:

    > eosetl export_all --start 1 --end 499999  \
    --provider-uri http://api.main.alohaeos.com

    In case eosetl command is not available in PATH, use python -m eosetl instead.

    The result will be in the output subdirectory, partitioned in Hive style:


Running in Docker

  1. Install Docker https://docs.docker.com/install/

  2. Build a docker image

    > docker build -t eos-etl:latest .
    > docker image ls
  3. Run a container out of the image

    > MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run -v $HOME/output:/eos-etl/output eos-etl:latest \
        export_blocks --max-workers 50 --start-block 30000000 \
        --end-block 30000100 --provider-uri http://your_eos_node:node_port \
        --blocks-output ./output/blocks.csv --transactions-output ./output/transactions.csv \
        --actions-output ./output/actions.csv
  4. Run streaming to console or Pub/Sub

    > MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker build -t eos-etl:latest-streaming -f Dockerfile_with_streaming .
    > echo "Stream to console"
    > MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run eos-etl:latest-streaming stream -p http://api.main.alohaeos.com --start-block 500000
    > echo "Stream to Pub/Sub"
    > MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run -v /path_to_credentials_file/:/eos-etl/ --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/eos-etl/credentials_file.json eos-etl:latest-streaming stream -p http://api.main.alohaeos.com --start-block 500000 --output projects/your-project/topics/crypto_eos
  5. Refer to https://github.com/blockchain-etl/blockchain-etl-streaming for deploying the streaming app to Google Kubernetes Engine.

Command Reference

All the commands accept -h parameter for help, e.g.:

> python eosetl.py export_blocks --help
Usage: eosetl.py export_blocks [OPTIONS]

  Export blocks, transactions and actions.

  -s, --start-block INTEGER   Start block
  -e, --end-block INTEGER     End block  [required]
  -p, --provider-uri TEXT     The URI of the remote EOS node
  -w, --max-workers INTEGER   The maximum number of workers.
  --blocks-output TEXT        The output file for blocks. If not provided
                              blocks will not be exported. Use "-" for stdout
  --transactions-output TEXT  The output file for transactions. If not
                              provided transactions will not be exported. Use
                              "-" for stdout
  --actions-output TEXT       The output file for actions. If not provided
                              transactions will not be exported. Use "-"
                              for stdout
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

For the --output parameters the supported type is json. The format type is inferred from the output file name.


> python eosetl.py export_blocks --start-block 1 --end-block 500000 \
  --provider-uri http://api.main.alohaeos.com \
  --blocks-output blocks.json --transactions-output transactions.json --actions-output actions.json

Omit --blocks-output or --transactions-output or --actions-output options if you want to export only transactions/blocks/actions.

You can tune --max-workers for performance.


> python eosetl.py get_block_range_for_date --provider-uri http://api.main.alohaeos.com --date=2018-06-09


> python eosetl.py export_all --provider-uri http://api.main.alohaeos.com --start 2018-06-08 --end 2018-06-09

You can tune --export-batch-size, --max-workers for performance.


> python eosetl.py stream --provider-uri http://api.main.alohaeos.com --start-block 500000

Running Tests

> pip install -e .[dev]
> echo "The below variables are optional"
> export EOSETL_PROVIDER_URI=http://api.main.alohaeos.com
> pytest -vv

Running Tox Tests

> pip install tox
> tox

Public Datasets in BigQuery

TODO: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/introducing-six-new-cryptocurrencies-in-bigquery-public-datasets-and-how-to-analyze-them