

Welcome to the EOS MainNet

Based on tag: mainnet-1.6.0
Network Monitor and Voting command prepering tool: <a href="http://eosnetworkmonitor.io/">EOSnetworkMonitor.io</a>

! new nodeos config parametr in 1.6.0: chain-threads = 8

Manual installation

Install EOS

mkdir /home/eos-sources  
cd /home/eos-sources  

git clone https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet/eos.git --recursive    
cd eos  

git checkout mainnet-1.6.0 
git submodule update --init --recursive   

./eosio_build.sh -P -f  

Update EOS

mkdir /home/eos-sources  
cd /home/eos-sources/eos  

git checkout mainnet-1.6.0  
git submodule sync  
git submodule update --init --recursive   

./eosio_build.sh -P -f  

Configuring Node

./cleos.sh wallet import <YOUR_PRIVKEY>

First run should be with --delete-all-blocks and --genesis-json

./start.sh --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json genesis.json

add bp.json with info about your node:


Other Tools/Examples

Send EOS

./cleos.sh transfer <your account>  <receiver account> "1.0000 EOS" "test memo text"

Get Balance

./cleos.sh get currency balance eosio.token <account name>

Create account

./cleos.sh system newaccount --stake-net "1.0000 EOS" --stake-cpu "1.0000 EOS" --buy-ram-kbytes 8 <your accountr> <new account> <pkey1> <pkey2>

List registered producers (-l <limit>)

./cleos.sh get table eosio eosio producers -l 100  

List your last action (use -h to get help, do not work now)

./cleos.sh get actions <account name>

List staked/delegated

./cleos.sh system listbw <account>   

by: <a target="_blank" href="http://CryptoLions.io">CryptoLions.io</a>
Jungle Testnet <a target="_blank" href="https://t.me/jungletestnet">telegram channel</a>