

Blockchain ETL Streaming

Streams the following Ethereum entities to Pub/Sub or Postgres using ethereum-etl stream:

Streams blocks and transactions to Pub/Sub using bitcoin-etl stream. Supported chains:

Deployment Instructions

  1. Create a cluster:
gcloud container clusters create ethereum-etl-streaming \
--zone us-central1-a \
--num-nodes 1 \
--disk-size 10GB \
--machine-type custom-2-4096 \
--network default \
--subnetwork default \
--scopes pubsub,storage-rw,logging-write,monitoring-write,service-management,service-control,trace
  1. Get kubectl credentials:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ethereum-etl-streaming \
--zone us-central1-a
  1. Create Pub/Sub topics (use create_pubsub_topics_ethereum.sh). Skip this step if you need to stream to Postgres.
  1. Create GCS bucket. Upload a text file with block number you want to start streaming from to gs://<YOUR_BUCKET_HERE>/ethereum-etl/streaming/last_synced_block.txt.

  2. Create "ethereum-etl-app" service account with roles:

    • Pub/Sub Editor
    • Storage Object Admin
    • Cloud SQL Client

Download the key. Create a Kubernetes secret:

kubectl create secret generic streaming-app-key --from-file=key.json=$HOME/Downloads/key.json -n eth
  1. Install [helm] (https://github.com/helm/helm#install)
brew install helm
helm init  
bash patch-tiller.sh
  1. Copy example values directory to values dir and adjust all the files at least with your bucket and project ID.
  2. Install ETL apps via helm using chart from this repo and values we adjust on previous step, for example:
helm install --name btc --namespace btc charts/blockchain-etl-streaming --values values/bitcoin/bitcoin/values.yaml
helm install --name bch --namespace btc charts/blockchain-etl-streaming --values values/bitcoin/bitcoin_cash/values.yaml
helm install --name dash --namespace btc charts/blockchain-etl-streaming --values values/bitcoin/dash/values.yaml
helm install --name dogecoin --namespace btc charts/blockchain-etl-streaming --values values/bitcoin/dogecoin/values.yaml
helm install --name litecoin --namespace btc charts/blockchain-etl-streaming --values values/bitcoin/litecoin/values.yaml
helm install --name zcash --namespace btc charts/blockchain-etl-streaming --values values/bitcoin/zcash/values.yaml

helm install --name eth-blocks --namespace eth charts/blockchain-etl-streaming \ 
--values values/ethereum/values.yaml --values values/ethereum/block_data/values.yaml
helm install --name eth-traces --namespace eth charts/blockchain-etl-streaming \ 
--values values/ethereum/values.yaml --values values/ethereum/trace_data/values.yaml 

Ethereum block and trace data streaming are decoupled for higher reliability.

To stream to Postgres:

helm install --name eth-postgres --namespace eth charts/blockchain-etl-streaming \ 
--values values/ethereum/values-postgres.yaml

Refer to https://github.com/blockchain-etl/ethereum-etl-postgres for table schema and initial data load.

  1. Use describe command to troubleshoot, f.e.:
kubectl describe pods -n btc
kubectl describe node [NODE_NAME]

Refer to blockchain-etl-dataflow for connecting Pub/Sub to BigQuery.