

TypeScript Collections

It is a complete, fully tested data structure library written in TypeScript.

This project uses TypeScript Generics so you need TS 0.9 and above.

This projects supports UMD (Universal Module Definition)


Included data structures

It also includes several functions for manipulating arrays.


npm install typescript-collections --save

ES6 import ... from

import * as Collections from 'typescript-collections';

or TypeScript import ... require

import Collections = require('typescript-collections');

or JavaScript var ... require

var Collections = require('typescript-collections');

Visual Studio or other TypeScript IDE, will provide you with complete Intellisense (autocomplete) for your types. The compiler will ensure that the collections contain the correct elements.

A sample Visual Studio project is in the demo folder.

Also available on NuGet : http://www.nuget.org/packages/typescript.collections/ Thanks to https://github.com/georgiosd


import * as Collections from 'typescript-collections';

var mySet = new Collections.Set<number>();
mySet.add(123); // Duplicates not allowed in a set
// The following will give error due to wrong type:
// mySet.add("asdf"); // Can only add numbers since that is the type argument.

var myQueue = new Collections.Queue();

console.log(myQueue.dequeue()); // prints 1
console.log(myQueue.dequeue()); // prints 2

Typings resolution

Remember to set "moduleResolution": "node", so TypeScript compiler can resolve typings in the node_modules/typescript-collections directory.

In browser usage

You should include umd.js or umd.min.js from dist/lib/ directory.

<script src="[server public path]/typescript-collections/dist/lib/umd.min.js"></script>

A note on Equality

Equality is important for hashing (e.g. dictionary / sets). Javascript only allows strings to be keys for the base dictionary {}. This is why the implementation for these data structures uses the item's toString() method.

makeString utility function (aka. JSON.stringify)

A simple function is provided for you when you need a quick toString that uses all properties. E.g:

import * as Collections from 'typescript-collections';

class Car {
    constructor(public company: string, public type: string, public year: number) {
    toString() {
        // Short hand. Adds each own property
        return Collections.util.makeString(this);

console.log(new Car("BMW", "A", 2016).toString());



A Sample on Dictionary

import * as Collections from 'typescript-collections';

class Person {
    constructor(public name: string, public yearOfBirth: number,public city?:string) {
    toString() {
        return this.name + "-" + this.yearOfBirth; // City is not a part of the key.

class Car {
    constructor(public company: string, public type: string, public year: number) {
    toString() {
        // Short hand. Adds each own property
        return Collections.util.makeString(this);
var dict = new Collections.Dictionary<Person, Car>();
dict.setValue(new Person("john", 1970,"melbourne"), new Car("honda", "city", 2002));
dict.setValue(new Person("gavin", 1984), new Car("ferrari", "F50", 2006));

// Changes the same john, since city is not part of key
dict.setValue(new Person("john", 1970, "sydney"), new Car("honda", "accord", 2006));
// Add a new john
dict.setValue(new Person("john", 1971), new Car("nissan", "micra", 2010));

// Showing getting / setting a single car:
console.log("Single Item");
var person = new Person("john", 1970);

var car = dict.getValue(person);


    john-1970 : {company:honda,type:city,year:2002}
    gavin-1984 : {company:ferrari,type:F50,year:2006}
    john-1970 : {company:honda,type:accord,year:2006}
    gavin-1984 : {company:ferrari,type:F50,year:2006}
    john-1971 : {company:nissan,type:micra,year:2010}
Single Item

Default Dictionary

Also known as Factory Dictionary [ref.]

If a key doesn't exist, the Default Dictionary automatically creates it with setDefault(defaultValue).

Default Dictionary is a @michaelneu contribution which copies Python's defaultDict.

Development and contributions

Compile, test and check coverage npm run all

Supported platforms

If it supports JavaScript, it probably supports this library.


bas AT basarat.com

Project is based on the excellent original javascript version called buckets