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A JavaScript Data Structure Library

Buckets is a complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript.

Included data structures

Buckets also includes several functions for manipulating arrays.

Supported platforms

If it supports JavaScript, it probably supports buckets.

Downloading Buckets

Download directly

Then, add it as a script tag to your page:

<script src="buckets.js"></script>
  var aSet = new buckets.Set();

Or install bucketsjs using bower

bower install bucketsjs

Or use an AMD loader

require(["./bower/bucketsjs/buckets.js"], function(buckets) {
  var hm = new buckets.Dictionary();

Or install buckets-js using npm

npm install buckets-js

In Node.js: var buckets = require('buckets-js');.


var a = new buckets.Set();
var b = new buckets.Set();
a.union(b); // {1,2}

Read the documentation.

Building Buckets

There's nothing else you need to use buckets. However, this guide may help you if you wish to contribute to the project or modify it.