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Awesome Argo

đź”” NEWS:

Links to recordings for talks from various conferences, such as ArgoCon and KubeCon, are added as soon as they become available!

A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Argo, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) graduated project.

Argo Image

This list is maintained and sponsored by Akuity, the Enterprise Company for Argo Project.

<img align="center" src="images/akuity.png" alt="akuity" width="50%" height="50%">

What is Argo?

Argo consists of a set of open source tools for deploying and running applications and workloads on Kubernetes, including:

In addition, argoproj-labs is a separate GitHub org for community contributions related to the Argo ecosystem.

Table of Contents

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Ecosystem Projects

Selected projects from argoproj (other than the four projects mentioned above) and argoproj-labs:

Other open source projects that use Argo:

<a name="books" />


<a name="blogs" />

Blog Posts

Please check out the official Argo Project blog. Additional links:

Blogposts that provide comparisons:

<a name="videos" />


Please check out the official Argo Project YouTube channel.

🔥 ArgoCon Europe 2024

ArgoCon and KubeCon North America 2023 talks:

ArgoCon Europe 2023 talks:

Other talks:

<a name="certifications" />


<a name="community" />


Social media accounts:

<a name="acknowledgement" />


Some blogposts and videos are selected from Argo's community blogs and presentations.

Thanks to the contributors who've submitted pull requests to add the original references to the following locations:

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